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Attention: New Lancer Approved TB-92802


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On behalf of Pathfinders Command, it is my pleasure to induct Brien "Harbinger" Edick (TB-92802) into the Pathfinders Hall of Fame as a Lancer Scout Trooper for the "TB - Scout Trooper - ROTJ" CRL! 

Great job, @Harbinger!  You have been sent a Certificate of Achievement to your email on file and your picture has been added to the Pathfinders Hall of Fame.

Check out TB-92802's application here:


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Congrats Brien! A well deserved recognition for a fantastic and solid build!

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Congratulations and welcome to the Lancer ranks trooper

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Great work Lancer.

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Thanks everyone. COVID slowed me down but did not stop me. Thanks to everyone who helped me on my build, it was a team effort if you ask me.


@Chopper, thanks for being there for every question I had in my build thread. @AradunFF, I feel like we are TB brothers-for-life. We started our builds around the same time, both aiming for Lancer out of the gates (because, I can only assume, we are insane). You may have beat me to Lancer by a year but, glad to join the ranks.

@mickeymark34 I blame you for this entire journey, thousands spent and sleepness nights sewing and cutting plastic.

I am not done on my TB journey. I must still weather my armor, make a few post-troop tweaks and, apparently, redo my collar. Pathfinders lead the way!

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Almost missed the Party… Congrats trooper!

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk

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