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It's with some sadness that I announce that Pete @Retrofire Holzemer is stepping down from his role as Detachment Guard and DCA, returning back to the ranks as a regular grunt.  Plastic spacemen are wonderful, but sometimes the needs of real life get in the way and Pete felt he was not able to give the positions the time they deserve.  

Pete has been an enthusiastic member of the Pathfinders since 2016 and hit the ground running with his positive attitude and willingness to help out new recruits.   After serving in the Armor Team, I tapped Pete to be a DCA and Level 2 judge based on his experience and knowledge of the Scout as well as his professional demeanor and call-it-down-the-middle sense of judgment.  Those skills also came in handy when Pete was promoted to Detachment Guard shortly after.  He has had a giant presence here at the Pathfinders and it is no exaggeration to say he will be greatly missed.  

For now, I've given Pete the title of "Armorer", as his expertise will always be welcome when he has time to return!

Which leads me to my next announcement....

For new Detachment Guard, the choice was easy.  Corey @Chopper DiPietro has, similar to Pete, been a huge presence on this forum since joining the Pathfinders back in 2017 and his level of expertise is something to behold.  He has a knowledge of both the Scout and its many propmakers that astounds me on a daily basis.   He's also in the middle of a LONG Shoretrooper build that I hope he finishes soon :D 

As Detachment Guard, Corey is not only the chief armorer, but also the ultimate authority on our forum moderation.  I know he will handle this role with the excellence that he has brought to the Detachment as DCA.  

I would like everyone to join me in congratulating Corey and wishing Pete the very best.  

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Sorry to hear this, thank you for your service Pete. Congratulations Corey, may you have a trouble free run 

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Thank you so much, Mickey and Glen, for the kind words.

I've got some big shoes to fill with Pete, Tim, Constantin, and all the others who've had the job before.

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My build took so long that both of these men had input and even tried to work together to find armor solutions for me. I haven’t been here long, but both have made an impact on me. Best wishes to Pete, and congrats to Corey on a position I know he’ll fill with both kindness and great knowledge.

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Congratulations @Chopper!

And thank you for your service, Pete! Darth Real Life comes first.

Both of you a a wealth of knowledge and a great example of Pathfinders leading the way. Your help on my Lancer build has been invaluable.

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This really is a very unique detachment. I’ve been on other detachment forums, but nothing compares to the support, professionalism, and desire to see recruits and veterans succeed that’s found in spades here. That speaks volumes about the quality and integrity of the leadership and staff here.

Both of these guys were very welcoming, supportive, and encouraging to me during my time as a recruit and throughout my first build. They set the bar for what a Pathfinder should be. I’m grateful to you both for all you’ve done for me and continue to do for our fellows scouts.

Thank you Pete for being my inspiration to pay it forward to fellow scouts and for all you have done for the detachment. And Cory, you’re following the path of some really big names, but if anyone can fill those shoes, it’s definitely you. Your depth of knowledge is incredible and your responsiveness to recruits and fellow scouts goes above and beyond. Well deserved brother!

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I’ve struggled with what I wanted to put here so here goes. 

Firstly huge congrats to  Corey @Chopper for all the help and advice and tips since I joined. It’s been hugely helpful and your mail and knowledge wil enable to you fill this role with ease.  

As for Pete  @Retrofire

what can I say about this guy.  Along with a lot of folks on here he has a depth of knowledge that is epic.  And a willingness to help folk that in inspiring. 

His help , support and kindness to me both in public and behind the scenes has been wonderful and we bonded over messages and he’s secretly a Brit. Sorry fellas 😂 

Wish you all the best my friend. 

Id also like to thank Dennis @AradunFF for the same.   You are both amazing pathfinders and wonderful people and I’m happy to call you friends 

You and Pete behind the scenes are a constant support when I need it and I wouldn’t still be here on this forum without you



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Thanks Pete and congrats Corey!

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Sad to see ya go, Pete, but congrats Corey!

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Give thanks for all the work and time dedicated to the detachment that @Retrofire had.
And wish the best of success to @Chopper in this new stage and responsibilities assumed. I am sure you will do very well, as we have always seen you in the activities and tasks within the detachment forum.

  • 3 months later...

Late to the party but thank you for your service Pete! :salute:

Congratulations Corey! 👏👏

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