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Greetings and salutations to all Pathfinders and soon-to-be Pathfinders!

Today marks the beginning of the new Legion term, and I am pleased to once again be leading the best Detachment in the Legion for another year.  I want to thank everyone from Command all the way to the latest Pathfinder to be approved for your trust and support in my tenure.  Maybe it's my IT background, but I have always seen my role as one of service, not power.  Everyday I and the rest of the team work on ways to make your experience here faster, more informational and most of all, pleasant.   I hope you all have enjoyed the Scoutopedia as well as some of the videos I have done the past two years.  I plan on making another big video this year, so stay tuned!

Now for the nitty gritty!  

By all accounts, Star Wars Celebration is still on for May 26-29, 2022 in Anaheim.  I look forward to seeing many of you there.  I'm sure I'll be able to spot you by those swanky new racing shirts!  We of course will be organizing a group photo, so I hope to see you all in your gear for that.

As for get togethers -- I've always been more for informal meetups rather than over produced (and costly) affairs, but I will get with local Garrison folks and see what sorts of things are in the planning stages.  There seems to be a lot already going on with Disney Nights so I'm not sure how much breathing room there is in the schedule.

CRLs -- at our local armor party last weekend I got to check on the progress of our guy building the Treadspeeder and things are really coming along!  Boots have been painted white, leg armor has been crafted from scratch, and an FOTK kit with gaskets has already arrived.  Barring any unforeseen circumstances, I expect this one to come along in the next few weeks.  And if Raj hits a snag, I know @Ruthar is also working on his.

With "Andor" and "Obi-Wan" coming this year, I expect we may see some more Pathfinder CRLs in the future.  With the rate at which Disney+ is cranking out episodes and their generally haphazard regard for the costumes, we may find ourselves in a situation where we need to make a main Disney+ variant (Scout, Shoretrooper etc) with several different tabs for options.  The ROTJ Scout, however, will always be walled off from things that happen on these shows.  There has been a movement in the Legion toward protecting the OT costumes, and I am 100% in support of this.  

Merch!  With a new term that means our 6 slots for the year have been renewed.  And as promised, I am going to start with the t-shirt.  First step will be to coordinate with the Legion, as we want to use the same vendor the Legion used for its T-shirt run.  Apparently this vendor has the ability to mail the shirts to the recipient directly, without the use of a third party (ahem....me!) to coordinate the shipping.   They do not do racing shirts, before anyone asks!

Since it has been a few years, we will be doing a run of the main Pathfinder logo in patch form.  In other words, the Biker Scout helmet.  I know several folks have been asking for this and we thank you for your patience and understanding.  With variants no longer being available to us, we have prioritized designs that feature several costumes, so as to leave no Pathfinder behind.  But we love our main logo as much as the rest of you, and it's time to crank those out again!

And I still have one more big idea in the works for this year, but it is in the early planning phases, so stay tuned!

Finally, I'd like to announce that @Hask has been promoted from Armorer to Detachment Costume Advisor for the Patrol Trooper.  That area of our Detachment keeps growing and we need someone dedicated to it.  We understand that there have been issues with obtaining a PT kit, so I've assigned @MrPoopie to work with KB Props to get another maker involved.  KB was a huge help with the Mountain Trooper and he works fast, so we hope this is something that can be made available soon.  

That's all for now, Pathfinders!  

Pathfinders Lead the Way!
Mickey Bukowski
Pathfinders Detachment Leader

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Mickey this is awesome and so glad you are the detachment leader.  Look forward to a very exciting year. 

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Looking forward to being a part of the forum and then a part of the legion and the friendliest detachment of them all.  The welcome I have received and the help so far I have gotten has been wonderful and the culture here is fantastic.


That starts at the top table so well done to all in charge and to everyone else thats a part of this fantastic place


Here's to this year



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Thanks, it's gonna be another great year!

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I look forward as a soon to be new pathfinder to learn more about the legion under your leadership! congrats on the re-election!

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We’re pleased to have you at the helm Mickey! You and the entire detachment staff do excellent work on behalf of this detachment and foster an awesome environment for veterans and novices to gather together for the good of all. Sounds like an exciting year and I for one am happy to be a part of the best dang detachment in the Legion bar none!

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12 hours ago, AradunFF said:

We’re pleased to have you at the helm Mickey! You and the entire detachment staff do excellent work on behalf of this detachment and foster an awesome environment for veterans and novices to gather together for the good of all. Sounds like an exciting year and I for one am happy to be a part of the best dang detachment in the Legion bar none!

What he said

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Fantastic, looking forward to more Pathfinder awesomeness! 😀

And congrats to the excellent new DCA @Hask- well deserved, sir!

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Thank you Taylor

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Congratulations, thanks for everything and I’m looking forward to another awesome year.

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Congrats again mickey! I am a newer pathfinder, but you dont have to be a veteran to notice and appreciate how well the Command Staff, P.R., Merch, Vendors, Web, Armorers, GML, Lancers, and veteran members make sure this detatchment stays happy & healthy while STILL growing strong and troopin'!

I seriously mean this and cannot say it enuff: 

Thank ALL of you for the neverending support, patience, a "them first then me" attitude, and friendliness showed by all of the brother & sister pathfinders who are not new. I feel this way after only knowing or meeting like less than 100 out of HOW MANY?  in just a few months as a PF.

Were in great hands man. Congrats to the promoted, the newly approved, and to you Mickey!!! 



*Side thought to self: aww man, I thought mickey said trading cards were next....🥺



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10 hours ago, BikerScout98 said:

*Side thought to self: aww man, I thought mickey said trading cards were next....🥺



Psssst..... trading cards aren't merch.  They are PR materials.  There are no invoices to be paid, no vendors to be contacted.  Just me, in my own spare time, cranking them out.  I will get to them when I get some free time.  

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12 hours ago, BikerScout007 said:

Psssst..... trading cards aren't merch.  They are PR materials.  There are no invoices to be paid, no vendors to be contacted.  Just me, in my own spare time, cranking them out.  I will get to them when I get some free time.  

I did not know that at all! @BikerScout007 

this will be my pennance I think hehehe:


I do this sort of thing alot on social media for detatchment so people get think about or get interested more about this site and the members in it, Unless private information or identity is shown without permission. It's my only way currently to give back to the detatchment (help recruit ,show the links to proper channels, give praise, etc..)

Btw mickey, i really hope you know i am not being pushy or anything of the sort. It's like half joking, half info seeking without directly asking...hehe. I wont bring up merch anymore if it's nerve-wracking or annoying poeple...🙏👍😉

Back to the thread topic,

Congratz again mickey! Doing a great job 👊


Looks like we‘re up to something. Hope to finish my build in the next few weeks and be a full member of the detachment. Really looking forward to Troop in my Scout.


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