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RoTJ Biker Scout Lancer WIP

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Phil! I’m stoked to see you finally all suited up! It’s been a long ride but you made it to the finish line. Way to hang in there brother! You look good and nice job on the weathering. The armorers will give you the expert feedback, but my two cents...once you get your shoulder bells sorted you might want to raise your biceps armor just a smidge to create a little more separation between the bicep and forearm pieces. All in all fantastic work. I can’t wait to hear word of your approval!

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Hi Phil, do you have a back photo as well?

I do, Not sure why it wasn't included in the shots bare with me and i will get it to you ASAP


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So I know there are a couple of issues on here, ive used braces (or suspenders) to hold up the bund and you can see from the back that has now been rectified and you can't see the straps with the armour on, also noticed the bund velcro wasn't 100% central again just needs to move round slightly. There is concern from other members in my local group that my flak vest sleeves are too long, can anyone offer advice with this?d0c598b2197fefa838a796740a0feb84.jpg

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Ok, thanks. I added the shot to your original set. The Armory Team will get back to you with some feedback shortly.

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Ok, thanks. I added the shot to your original set. The Armory Team will get back to you with some feedback shortly.
Thanks Dude, like I said its not 100 Percent perfect as yet. But thanks for any advice

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Hi Phil, great work so far.

You've already self-identified the issue with your shoulder bells. I think part of the issue there also stems from the fact that you need to trim down your shoulder bridges between the chest and back armor.

Looking at your rear photo, your back armor is dropped way down. I would take a little off the chest armor bridge and a little bit more off the back. When looking from the side, it doesn't need to be perfectly even between the front and the back, but I think we should raise it up a bit.

I know it's been mentioned a few times, but you should try bring that cod up like another inch if you can.

I agree that your flak vest sleeves seem a bit long, though the only standard for that is really in the Level 2 part of the CRL. It's a little difficult to make the call, b/c your shoulders are off-kilter, but I'd say maybe an inch and a half too long?

From the back, there's a visible gap between the belt and the top of the butt flap. That flap should come up so there's no visible gap.

I also wanted to mention that I think you've done a great job with the weathering. Not too much, it's just right!

You're really close, Phil. Just a bit more to go.

Pete @Retrofire, anything from your side?

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Sorry for the late reply here @Philscratch and @Chopper I’ve been visiting my grandparents in New Mexico and catching up on some maintenance for them that I was kept from during the COVID lockdowns.

That said I’m not seeing anything that you already haven’t captured Chopper. I think once you address that back armor it should start to pull everything together. I’d like to encourage you to also keep pinging your UKG GMLs and get a read from them as well. We can, and will, help you meet the CRL but they’re the ones with approval authority so it’s best to continue keeping them in the loop.

I’d like to mention that I think you’re doing an outstanding job Phil and your armor just keeps getting better and better!

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Thanks, ive had some great feedback from UKG and only need to sort a few dressing issues and should be ready for clearance shots

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  • 3 months later...

Wow can't believe I haven't posted since May!! OK so I've sent in Clearance shots to UKG only thing I was picked up on was velcro peeking out from behind the TD on the belt, Here are the shots I have taken, Can someone let me know of there is anything glaringly obvious that wouldn't pass for Lancer please?

Thanks 4ebe42bd3028aac0cfc95069823caad2.jpg2a0d6ee805d9522512f39bff401e8984.jpg4c0498000ee8606451e52ddac49df4af.jpgfba8ab11e5e7689072dd6a22bfc992a9.jpg220abb3b00aff6116faaa81c4f9297b3.jpg39204e9a8fa0b2c3213f26cbf655f85b.jpg8a16e61d31794f7ac21e08df9dc392d0.jpg9de50b3cf37d44fabb79bc557a2e71e7.jpg5c7ff9f3e1362849ae88336d70091e05.jpg

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Hi Phil, the best thing I can recommend you do, before you submit your Level 2 deployment request, is to look at the fit and finish items under bullet #3 of the linked the post below.

Lancer pre-deployment post:


Once you're approved for Level 1 by UKG and you feel like you're ready for us to take a look, go ahead and post your application thread and the team will start the review.


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Hey Phil

At a quick glance, nothing is really jumping out at me as being an issue.   But obviously with the closer scrutiny that comes with a Lancer review, a tweak or two may be needed.

But overall, good job!  Good luck with your approval and we look forward to your application.

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It’s great to see you back at it and bringing this journey home Phil! I can’t wait to hear the news that you have your approval from the UKG and are an official Pathfinder! You look great! Well done and best of luck with your approval brother!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Have you reached out? I know now that delays are common so don’t panic. Remember your GML is a volunteer. I was on pins and needles waiting for just over two weeks before I touched base and was approved shortly thereafter. All the while I was looking with envy upon guys here who reported that they submitted and heard back the same day or day after. Hang tight brother!

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Yeah last I heard from the Armorer was 10th September he was meant to be speaking to GML with regard to velcro peeking out on my belt

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Phil, a heartfelt congratulations to a well deserved accomplishment! Yours was an incredible journey to become a Pathfinder. I know there were many times when you were ready to call it quits, and yet you persevered. Your perseverance in overcoming the setbacks and challenges you faced along the way was and is an inspiration to your fellow Pathfinders as evidenced by the fact that you have one of the highest most viewed ROTJ WIPs in the detachment. You exemplify a Pathfinder leading the way.

I am so very happy for you. You should be extremely proud of your accomplishment, I know I certainly am. Well done Pathfinder and welcome to the ranks brother! Tip of the Lance!

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Wow what can I say Aradun but many many thanks, its certainly been a journey and all I can say is an immense thankyou for all of yours and everyone else's help in the Pathfinders. Once the dust has settled let's see if I can shoot for Lancer!!

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2 hours ago, Philscratch said:

Just been cleared by UKG!!

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