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mickeymark34's Studio Creations Build Thread


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Hello Scouts. Today I made my first purchase and will be slowly accumulating the necessary items to build a Biker Scout. I have never done a build thread before. Everyone on these boards have been very helpful so far in getting me in the right direction for materials.  I have been looking at Lancer submissions to get familiar with what I will have to do to get to that level. 

So far, I have ordered the Red Kap Coveralls for my flight suit. A good friend of mine is awesome with his sewing machine and will be helping me to tailor it to fit me. I am still on the hunt for the Drill Fabric as it has not been available at my local Joann's, or online. As for the armor, I have yet to purchase it, but I have decided go with Studio Creations. That is where I am at, at this moment. I will make posts as everything starts coming together. Again, I want to thank everyone here on the forums for being so helpful. I'm looking forward to this fun journey and join the Pathfinders. 

Helmet: Studio Creations (On Hand)

Armor: Studio Creations (On Hand)

Flightsuit: Redkap (On Hand) Done

Flak Vest: Steph's Imperial Oufitters (On Hand)

Boots: Kingshow (On Hand) Done

Marine Vinyl for Boots (On Hand)

Cummerbund: Done

Pouches: Done

Cod: Done

Gloves: (On Hand) Wampa Wear

Balaclava: (On Hand)

Blaster: 3D Printed with Mods to make it approvable for Lancer

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Good choices!  We look forward to your build and helping out.

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Studio Creations is actually offering a "assembled" kit right now for the same price as the non-assembled "trimmed" kit.  If you have not already placed your armor order I'd suggest against the assembled kit if you are shooting for Lancer status.  Having just put together a non-assembled kit I can say there are just too many things that would likely need disassembled and corrected for Lancer accuracy.

-included straps/elastic/velcro are not correct width-wise in many instances

-included thermal detonator hose needs to be a darker shade of gray

-shoulder bell attachment uses velcro straps in the kit and would need re-worked for the zip-tie method

-riveted parts would likely need drilled out and re-done for custom fitting (not to mention you'd need a rivet gun anyway for attaching the holster to the right boot)  


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He told me they were doing a limited time offer on free assembly. I don't know if I will have the funds to buy armor in that time frame. I'd like to do the armor myself anyways, as I feel that is part of the journey. On a side note, I ended up finding drill fabric at one Joann's store, and they are going to ship to my local one. I bought three yards of it to be safe. I've been reading the Lancer Build thread and watching videos on YouTube to familiarize myself what goes into the build. I cant wait to get started putting my flight suit together. 

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1 hour ago, mickeymark34 said:

He told me they were doing a limited time offer on free assembly. I don't know if I will have the funds to buy armor in that time frame. I'd like to do the armor myself anyways, as I feel that is part of the journey. On a side note, I ended up finding drill fabric at one Joann's store, and they are going to ship to my local one. I bought three yards of it to be safe. I've been reading the Lancer Build thread and watching videos on YouTube to familiarize myself what goes into the build. I cant wait to get started putting my flight suit together. 

Like I said above.  For a Lancer build you are better off NOT getting the assembled kit.  You'd have to undo too much of the assembly to bring it up to Lancer status anyway.  So it's not worth it for anything but basic 501st approval.  The assembly really only entails cutting the different strapping materials to your desired size and sewing velcro to those straps (and a few rivets).  It's really something could do yourself in an evening. 

Be prepared to buy additional elastic and velcro because although the SC kit comes with enough lengths of every kind of strapping/elastic/velcro to assemble the kit, it doesn't include the correct widths in all cases for that level 2 approval you seek.   

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3 hours ago, greenyone said:

Like I said above.  For a Lancer build you are better off NOT getting the assembled kit.  You'd have to undo too much of the assembly to bring it up to Lancer status anyway.  So it's not worth it for anything but basic 501st approval.  The assembly really only entails cutting the different strapping materials to your desired size and sewing velcro to those straps (and a few rivets).  It's really something could do yourself in an evening. 

Be prepared to buy additional elastic and velcro because although the SC kit comes with enough lengths of every kind of strapping/elastic/velcro to assemble the kit, it doesn't include the correct widths in all cases for that level 2 approval you seek.   

Thanks for the heads up Kurt. 

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I appreciate his recommendation and I will always listen to him. 😊 I follow a gentleman on YouTube from the Dune Sea Garrison (TK1636) who does some very awesome build videos. He did a whole series on building a TK which was so helpful to me when I did my Anovos TK. He also does a Biker Scout, among other ones for the 501st, and I recently started watching that one. He mentions what Greeny recommended as far as the strapping and things. As always, I appreciate any advice that someone gives to me on the forums. 

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35 minutes ago, mickeymark34 said:

I appreciate his recommendation and I will always listen to him. 😊 I follow a gentleman on YouTube from the Dune Sea Garrison (TK1636) who does some very awesome build videos. He did a whole series on building a TK which was so helpful to me when I did my Anovos TK. He also does a Biker Scout, among other ones for the 501st, and I recently started watching that one. He mentions what Greeny recommended as far as the strapping and things. As always, I appreciate any advice that someone gives to me on the forums. 

No worries.  I'm no expert like Chopper who has probably been at this for years.  I only know what I know from having just recently put together the new SC kit. (new kit=updated molds for better movie accuracy)  Lancer status was not my goal, but I did go that route with the strapping.  Mostly because many of the pre-cut slots in the armor seem to have been sized for the movie accurate widths and they don't include all of those widths of elastic in the kit.  Most of what SC includes is too wide.  Having the correct sizes on hand not only points you to that level 2 goal, but it also makes the kit go together a bit easier.

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3 minutes ago, greenyone said:

No worries.  I'm no expert like Chopper who has probably been at this for years.  I only know what I know from having just recently put together the new SC kit. (new kit=updated molds for better movie accuracy)  Lancer status was not my goal, but I did go that route with the strapping.  Mostly because many of the pre-cut slots in the armor seem to have been sized for the movie accurate widths and they don't include all of those widths of elastic in the kit.  Most of what SC includes is too wide.  Having the correct sizes on hand not only points you to that level 2 goal, but it also makes the kit go together a bit easier.

How far off are you from achieving Lancer status?

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Probably just a few tweeks to what I have.  I'd have to work out the zip-tie shoulder bell attachment, cut the slots in my boot holster and make some adjustments to my flak vest.  (the shoulders bell out a bit on the ends).  I can say that when I've made some of the level 2 adjustments to the armor spacing for test fitment I was having some range of motion issues.   Example, the shoulder bells need to be kinda close to the shoulder straps and the drop boxes only an inch from the bottom of the belt.  When I adjusted them this way I found it more difficult to do things like raise my arms or sit down without having a lot of plastic on plastic interference.  I'd guess these type of issues would not be the same with everyone...as everyone is built differently.  So I'm forgoing lancer for wearability. 

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In general, I think it looks fine. However, the primary test for the fit of the bund will come once you fit your chest armor and belt. 

The photo below should give you an idea of the proportions for both the fund and cod.


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11 hours ago, mickeymark34 said:

My buddy made the cummerbund. Looking for feedback on how it looks.5736b9f6c9d325ed6d04e2268a739bcd.jpg

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Don't forget to compensate for the extra layers when you are making this stuff.  Meaning, you'll ultimately have an undershirt, undersuit, flak-vest on under that bund. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

A small update on my progress, and I do mean small. I will be placing an order for my Hold Out Blaster, boots, and gloves within the next 24 hours or so. I need a bit of suede, and the armor, and I think Ill have everything I need. I really cant wait to get this thing started. I hope to be approved for Celebration Anaheim. 

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On 9/3/2019 at 1:09 PM, mickeymark34 said:

A small update on my progress, and I do mean small. I will be placing an order for my Hold Out Blaster, boots, and gloves within the next 24 hours or so. I need a bit of suede, and the armor, and I think Ill have everything I need. I really cant wait to get this thing started. I hope to be approved for Celebration Anaheim. 

Keep it coming! More scouts! More fun!

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  • 1 month later...

Another update, but a major one. I finally have the funds for armor! I wanted to look at the post that shows the pictures of the Scout and the different vendors armor but I cannot seem to find it. I pretty much know who I am selecting, but just wanted to look at that post again one more time to make my final decision. I'll try searching for it again. I am so excited to be moving on to the next steps toward being a Pathfinder. 

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2 minutes ago, mickeymark34 said:

Another update, but a major one. I finally have the funds for armor! I wanted to look at the post that shows the pictures of the Scout and the different vendors armor but I cannot seem to find it. I pretty much know who I am selecting, but just wanted to look at that post again one more time to make my final decision. I'll try searching for it again. I am so excited to be moving on to the next steps toward being a Pathfinder. 


There you go

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11 hours ago, mickeymark34 said:

Ordered an armor and helmet kit from Studio Creations a little while ago. Can’t wait until it gets here.

It's always exciting to recieve your armor and helmet. Keep us posted and any questions, just ask.

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I’ve started mocking up the pattern for my boots following Cheesewhoopys tutorial. What do you guys think so far? Should I keep going?

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