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Mountain Trooper CRL

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This CRL has been approved and may found here:


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I would argue, it's a flat white similar to the hover tank pilot might be getting a bit of shine from the way the toy it lit

Shoulder armor has a raised ridge. May need to work on wording for the red on the right shoulder. It's kind of right below halfway not sure better way to word that.

There's no clips on these forearms, these are similar in style to FO Tie forearms at least on the pics I saw no clips

Boots are similar to the First Order TK Boots but I think I like that wording simple enough probably follow a similar wording as those espically on Level 1. Deff not the Chelsea style like the shoretrooper but that's just my opinion, they get covered up pretty well by the shin armor

The strap have a webbing material texture, and the 2 on the bottom touch each other the other have an even amount of spacing I'd assuming 1/2in

Webbing is probably 1in wide will have to do some tests to see what looks right or thats probably getting too picky

Belt I counted two small squareish boxes viewed from the backside on either side of the TD than another 2 on the sides right above the pouch 2 on the front and on long rectangle box with a line on the left side that seems to be acting as the buckle . Might double check my box count Im looking at both the front and back pics. Can kinda see them a bit a better in the box art

I would say you could probably do a similar sized belt as the Shoretrooper since the ab plate is being reused the boxes are similar height and width I'm not sure probably about the same.

Its all one piece and the hip armor appears to be part of the belt could probably sew those patterns on something just would need someone that is more of an expert with fabric to weigh in. Foam might work but I don't know how you get that pattern in foam looked like a piece of cloth with a sew on pattern

Everything else looks on point. Just my argument is gloss vs flat white. I was thinking if you used Shock White Pure like the Tankers it would look amazing with the brown earth tone weathering.

Hope that was helpful. I contacted a few people I know about more info on the costume, one of the guys building things for Disney parks didn't know anything about it, and Matt from story group said fingers crossed it would be in park. When I told my source what Matt said he got a good laugh and said he would have text him and ask. Didnt hear anything back, so maybe it will be part of the new ride opening later in year. Either way I respect if they need to hold a few things back

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3 minutes ago, heartstopper85 said:

Just my argument is gloss vs flat white.

 I mean, just about all armor in the history of Star Wars is gloss white, so it's a pretty reasonable assumption to make.  We may not know for sure until we actually see one in person what they used.  

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll get the incorporated.   We are way closer to the beginning than the end on this guy, so this will change frequently!

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I think I might have convinced myself it's a gloss white. If you look at the shoulder with the red it shines more than the red on the shoretrooper has maybe a hint of flatness but certainly worth debate. I'm probably going to paint everything flat than I can always hit everything with the clear gloss when we are certain.

But I agree at the beginning, just at a level of excitement because I get to build another thing

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That silver trim is gonna be a fun addition paintwise too I didnt even catch that till I read it here it seems to outline the whole eye piece

I need to really get one these things in hand. I know Jsin and KB have one on hand so that's helpful

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  • 6 months later...
1 hour ago, ScarifBeachBum said:

Any additional progress on this?

We're still lacking good, consistent sources. We are hoping they show up in the park as live action characters soon. 

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  • 2 months later...

I'd probably take away the "lightly" word for weathering. The action figure is medium to heavy depending in how you light it. I didnt go near as heavy with my kit but I could see this trooper getting more beat up than youd think like the shoretrooper

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In the CRL it says pouches are attached to the hip plates it looks like they might actually be attached to the belt. Or it could jut be my imagination.  

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And I think I'm gonna actually attach those to the belt. But yeah the pouch and the armor are two different parts I dont know how youd realistically attach the pouch to the armor.

The armor goes about from the front edge of the small belt box to the back edge of the belt box by the td

Length I think will depend on trooper but shouldn't be past knees. Myself and other troopers will probably have to watch mounting or just take a bit off.

Cant really put a number on width either since ab armor gets fitted to the trooper. And the belt than is adjusted to the armor. Everyone is gonna be a bit different

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 What is the status of this costume?  My understanding of the announcement that the costume had been "Greenlit" by the LMO team  was that this costume was now considered appropriate for 501st Membership in the future, once someone finished it and a CRL was drafted.  However, KB PRops, and now multiple members of my Garrison are saying that @heartstopper85 has been "Approved" in this costume.  I assumed maybe there was a miscommunication or jumping the gun by KB Props, but was repeatedly told "No, KB Props said he was approved and this costume is good to go for everyone now."

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 What is the status of this costume?  My understanding of the announcement that the costume had been "Greenlit" by the LMO team  was that this costume was now considered appropriate for 501st Membership in the future, once someone finished it and a CRL was drafted.  However, KB PRops, and now multiple members of my Garrison are saying that [mention=82453]heartstopper85[/mention] has been "Approved" in this costume.  I assumed maybe there was a miscommunication or jumping the gun by KB Props, but was repeatedly told "No, KB Props said he was approved and this costume is good to go for everyone now."
For transparency this from dl on the fb build group.

I shared this with kb and jsin as well so hope this clears things up we are all just excited. I was building stubbornly under the impression it was never gonna get approved or a crl and I was gonna have to build for fun. Which wasn't a problem.2f8cfa32894067c87410bc939f6b39aa.jpg

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@Cadet this costume has not been approved yet. The CRL is not done and there are still some issues to address before it is. What Dustin said above is correct, we've been greenlit to move forward with creating a CRL. We are not quite there yet!

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On the forearms I havent seen an example of any details being painted black

Assuming this got copy and pasted from fotk. The fotks do have those black details.

I left the fotk clips off mine as well because I didnt see them on the figure or clip art or 3.75 figurr back

Also nit pick detail but notice which arms the small box indent detail is on should be on the outside of each arm b1fdf9d8e569c2235f56e469144cba47.jpg

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Yeah not all portions of the CRL have been squared away yet.  We started with known parts of other costumes and worked from there.  I'll revise.  

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No worries I was trying to make sure I had these right as well. The forearms on the tie fighter are backwards from fotk it mixes me up having both costumes

Luckily this is like my 5th fo costume so I think I understand the first order tendencies bc2c79aee7513bc46eaef16d22c7bf39.jpg

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Hey folks

I've been preparing the CRL for the Wiki and made a few edits here and there.  I was doing some unrelated research on medieval armor and I think the hip pieces for the Mountain Trooper are more appropriately called "Tassets".  "Fauld" seems to be a better description for what the Shoretrooper wears.  So I have changed it to "Tasset" in the CRL language.  

I've added in some photos where we had some posted up.  

Getting pretty close on this one!

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Good call on the Tasset Mickey. A fauld tends to be more skirt like. Though I think the ST could also be considered a Tasset all be it shorter in length than the MT.

Looking forward to this CRL as I really like the look of he MT and it’s a contender for my next build.

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1 hour ago, AradunFF said:

Good call on the Tasset Mickey. A fauld tends to be more skirt like. Though I think the ST could also be considered a Tasset all be it shorter in length than the MT.

Looking forward to this CRL as I really like the look of he MT and it’s a contender for my next build.

Yeah there's definitely an argument to be made that they are both tassets but the ST hip armor has been called a fauld for awhile and it's kinda stuck. 

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New pics posted on my wip. Feedback welcome before I take actual submission pics

Has been a challenge with covid dont have usual people to help kit up etc with distancing being safe and such

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New pics posted on my wip. Feedback welcome before I take actual submission pics

Has been a challenge with covid dont have usual people to help kit up etc with distancing being safe and such

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Thanks bud. If you could take nice clear pics of each piece of gear too that would be a massive help
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Thanks bud. If you could take nice clear pics of each piece of gear too that would be a massive help

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Okay I've been updating the CRL with Dustin's photos, got a lot of them done so far.  In a few instances I used photos already available elsewhere on the Wiki.  Your pictures were great, Dustin, it's just that one gets tired of cutting out backgrounds after awhile and it was just easier to steal an image or two :D

Also I used typical First Order boots for our Boots example.  I don't want anyone to think they need to get knee high boots for this costume.  Especially since the boots are completely covered from the ankle up.

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