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RS Prop Masters Scout Trooper armor


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Yeah it remains to be seen how on point the soft goods will be. Still, the armor itself looks quite impressive. 

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7 hours ago, Aliaz said:

Looks good. Probably wont go for another set of armor though.

You say that now... ;)

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Definitely on my shopping list!

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Hi Guys. 


I am here to research but had to stop by the thread. Any advise on soft parts is very welcome. It is only the armour which is full screen accurate/made from studio produced armour but I would like to aim high for the soft parts too. 

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4 minutes ago, RS Prop Masters said:

Hi Guys. 


I am here to research but had to stop by the thread. Any advise on soft parts is very welcome. It is only the armour which is full screen accurate/made from studio produced armour but I would like to aim high for the soft parts too. 

Here is where you will want to go:

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3 hours ago, RS Prop Masters said:

Hi Guys. 


I am here to research but had to stop by the thread. Any advise on soft parts is very welcome. It is only the armour which is full screen accurate/made from studio produced armour but I would like to aim high for the soft parts too. 

I have to ask, but are you aiming to use your current Scout Boots for this kit, or are you looking to recreate something similar to the Sierra Sneakers?

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26 minutes ago, RS Prop Masters said:

Currently we are looking at running with the current IB Scout Boot. Do you have issues with it? 



Hi Rob, great to see this project coming to live! I wonder if that is the efx armor but I understand you have to keep it confidential  😉

Nothing wrong with the IB boots per se, they're "okay" (though not approvable for Lancer out of the box). I guess with bringing out an CFO armor you've set the expectations high for the rest of the gear as well 😉

I've made a thread covering all bits and pieces of the biker scout armor which you might find helpful here >>>



Cheers and good luck on the project!


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6 hours ago, RS Prop Masters said:

Currently we are looking at running with the current IB Scout Boot. Do you have issues with it? 



I think that "issues" is probably far too strong of a word :) , but the sole and boot shaft are two of the areas that would prevent them from Lancer approval.

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More accuracy is great, screen lineage is better. Was going to get a Strider kit but may want to wait now, if this is even better.

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1 hour ago, CatfoodRob said:

I've read the Lancer tutorial / thread , and am still non the wiser about boots .... to be exact, what is incorrect about the boots offered by ImperialBoots ? 

there are several things:

~ the vertical stitching on the front shaft part of the boot
looking at the photos they have listed now, the only pic showing the front shaft stitching is the last picture, the shaft folded down and open, you can see the vertical stitching there. 
have they changed their design since the picture was taken?

~ the velcro closure on the rear closes the wrong way.  theirs close to the outside instead of to the inside

~ is the velcro the correct width?

and this last pointer is more preference and of how it will look rather than not pass lancer.
~ the sole voids will leave odd placement for the sole cutouts, the original voids are not even.


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On 9/27/2018 at 6:12 PM, CatfoodRob said:

I've read the Lancer tutorial / thread , and am still non the wiser about boots .... to be exact, what is incorrect about the boots offered by ImperialBoots ? 

I am going to add on to what 762s said.

The soles on Imperial Boots are different from the origional boot soles. The slots and spaces are different (like 762s stated), and can't really be modified easily to make them look like the screen used boots, like needed for Lancer.



And origional:


Also the bone stitching and bone position look a little off, but that's not as important as the soles.

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On 9/9/2018 at 5:50 AM, Dragon_a said:

My only minor gripe with them advertising this as the “first 100% screen accurate armour” is that they’re using the Imperial Boots boots.  Which are not screen accurate.

I mean, technically the armor is screen accurate, just maybe not the other stuff. :P

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It's early days for the RS armour.
They seem to,be working hard upgrading the soft parts as we speak !
When they eventually release this armour to us, I'm sure it will be sorted .

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Soooo, they said tomorrow was "Scout day" on facebook. Now I feel like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for tomorrow to finally arrive. So close to seeing that sweet RS TB Scout armor looks like... 
(My happy dance)

Still waiting. Hahha. It’s the pain!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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