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Did the holster have cut outs?

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I thought it best to start a new thread for this topic.


So my question. Did the scout holster have the ridges cut out?


Some examples from the other thread.









Blu-ray screen shot I think







I also noticed cut outs on Gino's scout display although obviously not screen used.



Thoughts? Or pics to support reject this theory?

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Like I said in your other thread, I definitely think they were cut out. I think the lines are way too dark to just be a shadow. And I know it's not 100% guaranteed but if Gino cut them out then I think there's a pretty good chance they were cut out.



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I'd say cut too but interestingly when you look at this pic from MoM they seem to have filled the gap you would see from cutting and sprayed them white:



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Ha, I just realized I was mixing up the "ridge" eyeslave was talking about. I thought you were referring to the ridge where the outer part is attached to the boot part. My bad.


But yeah the ones in front were def cut out, too. Or say, at least been made more recessed and sharper with a rasp. The only thing I'm not entirely sure about is whether they cut through completely or just enough that you would see the black faintly shining through.

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Definitely cut through. The bluray pic been the sharpest. You can clearly see at the sides, the white plastic cut, if that makes sense.


The pics from the back of the holster also supports this.

But I wonder was it a consistent feature across all scouts, or random, which​ we know can be the case.



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Well, the only thing is that you can't really see through the slits or see the object behind it. Also they're completely dark, so I wouldn't say "definitely" ;-)

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I think it's clearly cut through. If it wasn't, what's the black area? If it's dirt or something similar, why are the sides ( as highlighted in the picture ) not also covered by the dark dirt etc. ?

I hope that makes sense.

Also if you look at the inside pictures of the holster pics.

They have the same 5 slit, exactly the same size. If it is just a recessed detail, yes it could look similar from the front, but that detail on the inside would not catch dirt or weathering in the same way.



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I would think they colored/painted it black. But you do have a point with the sides not being painted black. The black just seems to dark for me and also when you look from behind you can see a black color, too. I'm not sure if you get this "effect" by just cutting them out without painting them.

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All the ones I've seen in the archives were cut through.


Awesome, thx for confirming. Where the slits also painted black or just cut through?

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done that, thanks a lor fot reasearch and clarification :)


Side Note: I didnt paint the cuts, just fitted the fresh "wounds" to the general weathering of my boots which might look more intense on the pictures than it actually is



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  • 9 months later...
done that, thanks a lor fot reasearch and clarification :)


Side Note: I didnt paint the cuts, just fitted the fresh "wounds" to the general weathering of my boots which might look more intense on the pictures than it actually is




Which holster is that? Who’s the maker? And are the cutouts approved to be ok?



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adding some pics for the thread(photobucket bombed above) ... more are welcomed if you all find them


im sure you can add the slits ... its interesting, i might end up doing this myself


credits to ~ studiocreations and starwarsscreencaps and other(s)











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  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...

After reading through this post I decided to update my holster design and offer one with the cuts and one without. I like the way it looks with the cuts.



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