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KS Quality

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So, I received my KS armor a couple of days ago and finally got the chance to get it out of the box last night.


Has anyone else who has ordered KS armor had pitted and wavy pieces? The helmet is good, decent pull but a little soft on one side. The other pieces, not so satisfied with them... They jumped right on making things right, however. I am very pleased with their customer service.

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I'm not a big fan of the KS armor period. The quality of the pull aside, the dimensions of the pieces are wildly off.


I like the helmet though. I have a KS lid myself.

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They got the neckline on the chest armor right. I'll give 'em that much. ;)

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  • 4 months later...


I'm looking at KS armor, and was wondering what parts of the armor might possibly need to be worked on, or possibly replaced? Although this might depend on the armor pull received?


I did notice that the corrugated hoses on the thermal detonator appear black, and I believe should be grey?





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To be more accurate, you'll need to replace or modify the following:



1. Holster (replace, too large)

2. Belt boxes (replace, too large)

3. TD hose (paint it grey), TD end caps (replace, too large)

4. ALL greeblies (incorrect t-bits)

5. Trim (remove it)



1. ALL greeblies (incorrect snout, no riser)

2. Decals (replace, not correct)

3. Bolt covers (replace, not correct)

4. Snout area (missing black outline, riser, etc.)

5. Trim (remove it)

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While I would never buy a KS helmet or armor , they obviously are a name in the Scout world. Why do you think they continue turning out poor products like they do? Do they just not care? It would seem easy enough to make the changes to their product ( and customer service ) and put out something that people would love. Scouts are relatively small customer base but still..

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Thanks everyone for the KS information. It looked like a possible option, but based on what needs to be corrected, I agree that those items mentioned should have been straight forward for them to address. I believe another possiblity is SC from what I have read.

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The helm is prob the only good thing about ks kit. I ordered a bund, didn't get it. My armor came purple ish hue. Didn't get tank decals , tbit or TD greeblies. Replaced the TD end caps with covers from a 1$ lotion bottle. Lol



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Guest Forrest Patrol

Didn't get tank decals , tbit or TD greeblies.



KS don't give you the tank decals or TD greeblies, I didn't get them either. It's not too bad that you didn't get the T-bits because you only have to replace them anyway.

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