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EFX Scout Trooper helmet -update

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I already contacted one of the sources given on the EFX page and currently waiting for a response.

Nevertheless those distributed goods will probably be more pricey than the original offer which already is a huge investment.

And I can't come up with that much money instantly these days....

I once saved up to 500,- € when the first announcement for an EFX Scout helmet appeared but I had to spend it meanwhile due to shortages.

I doubt there will be a constant supply with these (limited) or a still pricey "economy" edition later on.

The same problem I had back in the 90ies with the two different Don Post helmet versions.


Bad luck and timing...

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BTW on the eFX page regarding the Limited and Legend Scout:


Our new officially licensed, Limited Edition (Biker) Scout Trooper Helmet will be the most accurate reproduction of this incredible helmet produced to date. It has the all the pedigree of our Legend Edition line since the master molds were made from the original master tools ILM used to make the screen-used helmets. As with the Legend Edition, there is no digital scanning or 3D modeling used, only original parts and tooling. We even used an original decal sheet from ILM to make our markings and symbols that are seen on the helmet! You can call this helmet "Legend - Light"!


This original helmets were made in vacuum formed ABS. This EFX Limited Edition helmet is made in high quality, hand-laid fiberglass.


So, what about the "Legend Edition" you may ask? The Legend Edition helmet will not be available as a separate item, we have something special planned for the "Legend Edition" Stayed tuned for our Comic Con announcement next week!

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i saw them(sample) at C-VI 2years ago. They are not one casting(These are looks like a separate)... Face plate and visor.

New helmets are face plate and visor are one casting?



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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News are out on efx page.

The legend edition features a scout blaster probably taken from the original too.


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And it looks like the legend version is assembled just like the movie ones. The Prop Den put pictures up on their FB page today.

Might, however, just be me misunderstanding what some of the pictures mean.

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I thought they were the same base but the legend one with the endor battle marks. Haven't seen high res pics yet though.

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I think they're stock photos of the vac-formed halves on the original buck.


Gino did say they took a pull, and assembled the lid, and then took the moulds for the GRP ones from that made lid from the bucks.

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It seems I managed to get one as well.

Found a trustworthy german reseller and a possibility to fund it.




Have to wait till the end of the year though.

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Nice to know you can get one Philipp.

Also, way to go on our Futbol boys again Brazil yesterday!!!

Sunday, Deutschland will be victorious (hope-hope)!!!! :D


It seems I managed to get one as well.

Found a trustworthy german reseller and a possibility to fund it.




Have to wait till the end of the year though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Just curious if there's any updates in regards to shipping? Picked one of these bad boys up and I just wanted to know when I should expect a helmet-sized brown box at my door... :D

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  • 2 months later...

Hey gang, I have been off the grid for months. I am back State-Side and no helmet yet to be delivered. Are they on back order? Paid back in July. I have not scrubbed the forum for updates yet.


Any news would be appreciated.

Happy 2015 to all!!!!


_Blitz \m/

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