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Everything posted by UCFWayne

  1. Getting back to work. Hope to have these fully covered with sandable filler primer today or maybe tomorrow. Then I can start the process everybody loves.... sanding.
  2. Now that MegaCon is over and we've had some time to rest up, I decided to get back to work on our biker scouts. Today with help from Stryker, I placed velcro on the inside of my knees, upper arms, and fore arms where he told me. I made sure to rough up the plastic and then I added e6000 to help with the sticky velcro. Tomorrow I will go back and add e6000 around all the velcro edges. After that I cut the 1.5" nylon holes in my belt and the belt boxes.
  3. This week I took the 3d printed pieces and sprayed them down with rustoleum sandable filler primer. I then painted them with satin black. I think they turned out really well. Now I need to start sanding my blasters...
  4. Went to an armor party over the weekend. With a lot of help from Stryker and Delta, we cut and sewed all the elastic straps and put the velcro for the knees, forearms, and biceps.
  5. Thats good to hear. I thought I could just use the standard sticky back of the velcro, but Stryker suggested the e6000 to reinforce it. I know hes been trooping for a very long time so I do whatever he recommends. As for the greeblies, I decided to just go with MrPoopies models and 3d print new ones. Like you said there were just too many problems with the ones that came with my kit. I had to reprint the "T" piece at a smaller size because the original was just a little too big to fit. Its been a little too cold and raining here, but as soon as it dries up and gets a little warmer, I am going to filler primer all of the pieces and then paint them black. I will also do that with the 2 ec17 blasters Stryker gifted to me. The were a couple rough spots I'll have to take care of first, but you get that with pretty much any 3d print.
  6. Some pictures from yesterday's armor party. Thank you to stryker and delta for all the help. We got velcro placed onto all of the various armor pieces. We used e6000 and the industrial strength sticky velcro. Later this week I will go back and put e6000 around all the edges of the velcro to help it hold a little better.
  7. Hey Bilko, I use the rustoleum sandable filler primer. I use it because its pretty cheap and they always have a lot at my local walmart. I think it works well but if I had to only use one, I like the dupicolor sandable filler primer best. The problem is duplicolor is double the cost. often times Im not just doing 1 item, Im doing one for me and the wife so costs add up quick. i like to do alot of coats until the lines are gone(5 or 6) and then depending on the print, i will sand certain areas to get them better. I will probably have to sand the 2 dome parts since printers always have trouble with domes. these prints will be tricky since there is a lot of detail and i dont want to lose that. i probably will only do a couple coats maybe 3 or 4. i also have to keep in mind that they will need 2 coats of black paint to finish them off. ive tried other things for print lines, the glazing putty, the acetone/glazy putty paint method, xtc resin, bondo. out of those i liked the glazing putty and the acetone/glazing putty paint methods the most. but it all depends on what item that was printed.
  8. Awhile back I had talked to Stryker about my greeblies and decided what I had wasnt really good enough. Thanks to Mr Poopie, my friend was able to print out the pieces for me this weekend. The "T" I dont really know what to call it, was just a little too big for the forearm and didnt fit right. My friend had to reduce it a couple mm and the new one fits great. This week, I will use the sandable filler primer on them and get them ready.
  9. Today I cut the slots for the straps in the chest and back plates. I roughed up the area just inside with 80 grit sand paper. To do list: I still need to trim my shoulders so they better fit me and the wife I also need to better sand the forearms after the rough trim so they are more uniform Need to remove the marker lines Clean up the over spray from the gray boxes I painted
  10. I was able to do alot of work on our biker scouts today. Now I'm covered in white abs dust. I cut out the holes for the thermal detonator tubes and sanded the edges. I cut and sanded the detonator caps. I cut the strap holes on our knees, upper arms, and fore arms. Still more to do but 1 day at a time.
  11. My wife taped up out belt boxes and chest armor. I painted the rectangles with Rustoleum Granite gray. I also included a picture of the greeblies Ive tried to salvage. I used my heat gun to flatten out my one tank topper and straighten out the vents. I also sanded the bottom of the tank topper to be the same thickness. I coated them all in several coats of sandable filler primer. I'm not sure if I will end up using these.
  12. All my elastic, nylon, and buckles came in today. I will try and get out to the store and pick up some gray paint for the chest and belt boxes soon.
  13. Yea, I wear my painting respirator.
  14. With the help of Chopper, I purchased all the elastic and nylon for the build. One step closer.
  15. Thank you so much for that post, that is exactly what I needed. So I decided to pull out my armor and measure the various strap cut outs in my armor pieces and double check before I purchase anything. Shoulder armor - no cutout so I can use 3/4" or 1" Upper Arm Armor - cutout is 1" Forearm Armor - cutout is 3/4" Knee Armor - cutout is 1" Belt - I'll get that 1.5" nylon Looks like it will be best if I just get a bunch of 3/4" ribbed elastic. Again, thank you so much for helping me out. You might want to make some kind of sticky post about these materials for future recruits.
  16. What sizes and lengths do I need to complete my Mandalorian Biker Scout? I see there is a bag of replacements on stuido creations website, but it costs $80. I cant afford that especially when I need to buy 2 sets for my wife and myself. I am going over the CRL's and I see a few things listed: Most of the armor attachments say 3/4" or 1" ribbed. Do certain armor pieces need smaller and others need larger? Also is there certain brand and how much should I buy? The chest armor needs 1.5" or 2" elastic. Is there a specific brand and how much should I buy? Belt says I need 1.5" straps and 4 black buckles. Is there a specific brand and how much should I buy?
  17. Ok that gives me something to work on this week. I'll see what I can do. If it proves to be too much to get it looking right, I can always order from studio creations.
  18. I didnt really sand the underside as much, just the edges on everything. I was planning on using rustoleum sandable filler primer for the little pin holes and bubbles. Here is everything trimmed and edges lightly sanded. Here are the profiles of the tank toppers. The front areas are a little thicker than the back areas. I think the FL heat warped the second one, so I will have to flatten it back out with my heat gun.
  19. the piece that goes on the tank is missing a recessed circle. is that ok? I have the 2 bolt things, but not want appears to be connected to them.
  20. After a couple minutes of sanding. Is this close?
  21. Our cummerbunds came in a couple days after I made that post. I think I got lucky and had super fast shipping from KriptonTop. I just had a memory on Facebook that I had ordered these kits 4 years ago and they have been sitting in my hot Florida garage ever since. I wanted to ask if these pieces are good enough to use or if I need to get newer versions.
  22. Not a whole lot to update lately, but I got the notification that my cummerbund and neck seals have shipped. I should get them by mid October. I also ordered boots from @Chrisx909x so the costume is coming together. I think I will now focus on the attachment straps/nylon/velcro items.
  23. We went to an armor party yesterday and worked on our back armor tanks and getting them to align/fit properly. It took us alot of trial and error but I think we are mostly there. I think there will only need to be some minor tweaking once we go to put it all together. Big thanks to @Stryker_412 and Delta for making sure we were doing it right. I dont know if we could have done it without you two.
  24. Looks like they also offer neck seals as an add on accessory, so I am getting those with my cummerbund order.
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