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Derek Smith

501st Pathfinder
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About Derek Smith

  • Birthday 07/17/1976

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501st Information

  • Name
    Dez Smith
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Scottish Imperial Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ
  1. Just checked and they are together using velcro, so potentially could attach to the vest or suit
  2. Yes, that's the way it came from Chef's Creations
  3. Thank @ChopperPossibly the issue is that the crotch of the flight suit is very low so there a fair bit of scrunched up under the cod. Might need to send back to get it taken up a couple of inches. I know you need a bit of room but I feel it's too much. Maybe that's what's causing issues with the bund being pulled down?
  4. This is the first rough suit up to make sure I knew where everything goes!! Struggled with the shoulders as the velcro/cable tie kept separating from the armour. Still to attach the pouches. I'm also having difficulty with the gap between the chest armour and the bund, I get it ok but it slips down easily, maybe just needs velcro running the whole width? Need to add padding to helmet and that should help as it's bobbling around a tad
  5. BBB arrived this morning 😀 Tried on the flight suit and unfortunately it'll need to be altered as the crotch and thigh straps are too low. Straps are over my knees. I've emailed Chefs to arrange getting it adjusted. I know an excellent dressmaker but am a bit worried to pass something like this over to her
  6. Hey Matt. I've been a bit slow posting on here but it's systems go now!!! 😃
  7. Hello!! Starting off my WIP Chefs Creations full Armour will be delivered on Monday Already have gloves from Wampa Wear and balaclavas that were recommended on other posts
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