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Everything posted by okami79

  1. A little bit, yes. But thanks for the info. I will have a closer look on it. For the beginning I will use the measures from an old Military bag I have. I guess this could help.
  2. Thanks for your answer. I would agree to 100%. If would be much easier to buy one. But my intention was (or still is) to create one on my own to learn how to sew something for a costume. And I thought it would be nice to try something with a Star Wars Background. I guess it would not be suitable tor a costume, but maybe for a good daily use. There will be a lots of things I have to sew for my Scout Trooper in the future and luckily I work at an university with a textile course who have some industrial sewing machines which I can use.
  3. Hello there and happy new year first. The topic is naybe a little bit "old" last entry nearly one year ago), but maybe someone could help me. It's amazing what you guys created here. Congrats to all of you! I have the chance to take part at a course for sewing and was thinking to sew this bag. I read in this topic that some of you sew the bag on your own. Do you maybe have some pattern I can use? I saw the from @greenyone, but I thought that someone else has some documents too. It would help me a lot. Thanks in advance to all of you. Greetings
  4. @Chopper ah ok. Thanks. That sounds good to handle for me.
  5. Hello there. I need some help with my helmet. My buddy and I are working on the lense of the RotJ Scout and we were asking each other if there are any patterns for the lense anywhere we could use. Or do you know some best practice tips how the size of the lense could be designed? Maybe something like 10 mm more on the left, 5 on the top and so on. Or how did you guys managed that? Thank you in advance.
  6. Thanks so much for that detailed answer @Aradun again. 👏
  7. Hello there, I want to make the decals of my printed Biker Scout helmet on my own, but don't know the size of them. At the moment and for a test run I only want to make the sign on the left side of the helmet (I put it on the attachment). Does anybody know the size of that decal? Ob a search at the forum I only found that topic. http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/23851-helmet-decals/#comment-225119 But there is only a link for purchasing them on Trooperbay. But like I said I want to try to make it on my own. And the Internet wasn't really helpful too. 😕 So I hope you can help me. Thanks in advance for your help. Greetings
  8. Ok. Thanks. But only to be curious. How did you build your armor? What materials did you use?
  9. Ah ok, I see. Thanks for that information. It's a pity to hear, but understandable that not every print can be accurate. Good to know that before starting the rest. Thanks for that. That's another reason to contact @Chopper to check if maybe the rest could be used. But what would you recommend to use if you say "3D-printing can be "okay" for armor parts"?
  10. Yes, sorry. That's what I want to say. I read and hear that the final approval is on the side of the GML. I just want to be sure that there are not Non-Star-Wars Element on the 3D-Files. I heart about a Mando-helmet with Optimus Prime elements. OK, that's not so good, but maybe there is a chance to correct the File. Ok, I'll do that. Thanks for that. It helps a lot. Yeah, it seems so.😓 But it wasn't totally useless. The helmet is printed yet already and will be used on the Gamescom this year for a fun cosplay. Scout Trooper on holiday with beach outfit. @Aradunyou mentioned in my Introduction threat some vendors. Maybe there are also some who are selling 3D-Files if that from Etsy is not useful for the 501st. Thanks for the help.
  11. Hello, I hope that's the right subforum for my question. If not I am sorry for that and maybe an admin can tranfer the topic to the right spot. I am a complete newbie with costumes and was thinking about which armor I would like to build/wear. After careful consideration it became the Scout Trooper. I've always thought it's an awesome armour. Now I bought an armor for my own 3D printing here https://www.etsy.com/de/listing/1418128126/star-wars-biker-scout-trooper-full?ref=yr_purchases. 501st approved according to seller. Now I would like to know if the print is also suitable for a Shadow Scout. I like this armour too. I haven't seen any differences in design between the regular Scout and the Shadow Scout. Not in this way as you can see at the Shadowtrooper and Stormtrooper. Does anybody know if there are any differences? Or has this already been discussed in the forum before and I just haven't seen it? Then I would be very grateful for the link. Thank you in advance.
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