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Everything posted by Worst
Whoops sorry about that. Thanks Dennis Edit: Double checked and it does seem to redirect properly without the app, it just doesn't embed the preview. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
I've been following @Aradun 's build thread here: https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/topic/21137-dennis-scout-wip-lancer/&share_tid=21137&share_fid=2091901&share_type=t&link_source=app He's pretty thorough in documenting exactly what he purchased on the main post. While I'm nowhere near complete in my build, and because of how JoAnn's online ordering works, I ended up ordering 2 yards for most of the fabrics and it's been more than enough. I'm also not so confident with sewing so having extra doesn't hurt. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Excellent, and thanks! As mentioned before, I have help from a member of my garrison (our current GML, @haringjr, so hopefully that means I wont screw it up too bad). He actually has a helmet kit from Lou that he's been sitting on for a bit as well so we'll go through it together. Excited to get started and might do some light clean up of the parts to get a feel for it. E.g. sanding a bit around the eyes. It's a 0.090 ABS pull. So these pieces are THICK. I have to imagine it's going to be a lot of dremelling.
Helmet Build: Status: Kit has arrived, sourcing other materials ✅ 7CS Kit Arrived (thanks @Darth Voorhees!) ✅ Materials Acquired (Plastic Weld, Bondo, etc.) ✅ Assemble Main Helmet Body ✅ Assemble Visor ✅ Assemble Mask ✅ Full Assembly ☑️ Paint & Decals The Kit has arrived! (2023-09-29) A little sanding and rough line up (2023-10-04)
Build post updated! Second pouch has crossed the finish line. Helmet kit is arriving next. Very excited to get a start on that.
Finished out one pouch last night and added the images to the build post. I'm waiting to hear back from Mark at CfO as to whether he can fit my order into the current batch of ABS. In either case I think I have all of the hurdles out of the way in terms of being able to eventually finish this costume. The wheels are in motion.
Thats correct, or at least thats how I have it mocked up. But I was actually thinking of making it the outer back edge. The reason for this being that my arm will be more likely to obscure it. I'll keep going and finish these out. Like I said, I can always make them again if it's an issue
Added some early assembly images of my boxes. I'm curious of thoughts on the small repair I made to the bottom back corner. I'll have to do it on both pouches due to how I cut the corner. So far I'm very happy with how these are coming out but will make a second batch if necessary (Lord Vader knows I have enough materials for probably 8 more) I plan to put this facing toward my arms since that will make it less visible to the casual viewer. Edit to add: I am shooting for L2 approval which these pouches meet dimensionally. Hence the question on the repair. The repair is done with cotton thread and should take any dye I do for the rest of the pouch.
Pouches Build: Status: Complete - Will dye them with the rest of the costume. ✅ Materials Acquired (Velcro, Fabric) ✅ Materials measured and cut ✅ Sew ✅ Sew Velcro ⏸️ Dye Creating The Pattern (2023-09-14) I actually screwed up the measurements on the fronts, but was able to correct since they were an inch too large. I was also able to get the flaps out of the scrap. Cut (2023-09-14) I doubled, pinned and pressed the material to give me both a perfect match when cutting the covers as well as the correct number of pouches. Sew (2023-09-14) Initial Box assembly (2023-09-15) Tip on this. Spend the time to iron all of the creases on the box before assembly. It will make your life so much easier. You can see a small hand stitch repair that I made for the small opening in the bottom corner of the box. My mistake here was not cutting the corners at 45 degrees but rather two flaps at 90 degrees. I would do these differently if I remake them. Mockup (not assembled) (2023-09-15) Halfway there (1 down, 1 to go) (2023-09-16) Thank goodness for seam rippers. I probably reassembled this 3 times before I felt like it was good enough. Now there are two of them! (2023-09-18)
Thanks folks. I'm going to pause (again 😅), and keep moving on some other projects. I am a bit worried about sizing of the bund so I might finish it out but I'm realizing just how much I need to get the armor in hand. The height is 9.25" so it's a tiny bit taller than most bunds and after trying a stand-in for the flak jacket it might be a bit on the small side. Not a huge concern as I have PLENTY of materials left to make more and really am enjoying the process. So a few updates: I have a helmet kit coming from 7CS coming in the next few weeks. I'm super excited about this and have support from a fellow garrison member on assembly Because the helmet is based off the LW helmet, I'll definitely be getting CFO armor. Just need to put in the order, request has been sent to Mark to start the process. I put the hook on the left/under side of the bund as stated. It didn't turn out great but since the stitching wont be visible I'm going to leave it. I started my pouches and am very excited about how they are coming out. Build post to follow. I picked up the last of the materials needed for my Flak jacket. Again, probably need to have the armor on hand to get the proper sizing. I'll continue to try to make slow and steady progress on the projects. Doing as much as I feel comfortable until I hit a blocker. I'm mostly worried about have 70 half started projects but as long as I continue to put energy into it I have faith that I'll get this across the finish line, especially with Lancer accuracy in mind. My goal is to have this troopable by 2024.
Bund Build: I started my bund today, I have everything measured cut and pressed. I'm a little nervous about how to center the ribs as I'm not entirely sure how high up my chest it will sit. I suppose all of this is adjustable with some patience after it's assembled, even if I have to seam rip some stuff. I plan to tackle the rest of it over the week. Status: Waiting on Velcro and Measurement ✅ Materials Acquired (Velcro, Fabric, Batting) ✅ Materials measured cut and pressed (Measured folded size is 10" from top to bottom) ✅ Sew Length and End ✅ Cut & Add Batting ☑️ Measure for length ☑️ Final assembly with velcro ☑️ Add ribs Cutting the fabric Sewing the velcro I learned my lesson this and realized I could use the need to rotate the piece and turn it into position.
Maybe not as exciting as BBB day with armor, but my JoAnn's order with all of the fabric for my build is arriving today. I've also begun sourcing armor and am pretty sure I've settled on a CFO build. I know it's a bit less accurate than RS, but RS seems to have some lead time right now. Additionally, another member of my garrison has offered to let me use some of his parts for sizing so I can get unblocked on the boots. He has a CFO build so it should help get me a pretty good idea of where everything will sit. I'll likely get started on my bund shortly and post a build post in the same vein as the boots. Sent from my Pixel 6 using Tapatalk
Boot Build: Status: Paused waiting on knee armor measurements to determine boot height. ✅ Materials Acquired (Velcro, Vinyl, Boots, Glue, Leather Sewing Needles) ✅ Soles cut ✅ Vinyl Toe Glued ✅ Vinyl boot tube cut ✅ Velcro sewn on ✴️ Dog bone Cut ☑️ Final assembly Cutting the soles I got a great idea from my step-dad to use pinstripeing tape. It helped to keep everything consistent and straight, but also allowed me to follow the curve of the boot.
Hey All, Figured it was time to post up since I've already started my build. I anticipate it will take some time and I wasn't sure how serious I'd be so I started with one of the more challenging projects to prove it to myself. I'm just about wrapped up with cutting the soles of my Kingshow boots as I follow the fantastic tutorial by @cheesewhoopy. I also am planning on following the Lancer build thread as well as sticking pretty close to @Aradun's personal build thread. When I joined the 501st this year my goal was to get better at sewing, so what better way than doing all the soft parts myself. I'll likely try to take my time on this and I know I have some important decisions to make still on which armor vendor to choose. As with most RS and CFO are currently at the top of the list, finances allowing. Looking forward to keeping this thread active! Necessary Purchases: Helmet Kit - Purchased 7CS - 2023-09-12 Armor Kit - Purchase CFO Gloves - Purchased Holdout - Purchased Table of Contents: Boot Build - ✅ Completed 2024-02-20 Cummerbund Build - ✅ Completed 2024-02-21 Cod Piece Build - 🛑 Pouch Build - ✅ Completed 2023-09-18 Helmet Build - ✴️ Armor Build - ✴️ Flak Jacket Build - ✴️ Suit Build - ✴️ Weathering - 🛑