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Coolajxl last won the day on April 11 2024

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About Coolajxl

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    South Carolina

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  1. Most impressive! Congrats!
  2. Also a good idea, even though I'm not in it it says that on the activity at the bottom that there hasn't been any recent posts or new members joined in the last month and week respectively. If we can get in contact with her and she'd be willing to give out or sell her sewing patterns to what she used to make I know some people who sew and could commission them for it πŸ˜…
  3. Nope, still radio silence 😒 @BikerScout007 with your magic Jedi admin powers are you able to see on that deleted forum post if there was a last comment or edit that might confirm our suspicions? Like a "hey guys, I'm going to be closing commissions and taking this post down" or something. If it's too much of a hassle or can't be done, don't worry about it, but figured it's worth an ask! She may not have even posted an update either way.
  4. Yeah I did manage to track down a Facebook Group for her selling the scout goods which I requested to join a month ago and now re-requested (just in case πŸ˜‚). But it seems like it may not be an active one anymore 😒 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1517600621664236 Most likely she closed up shop then if that other post was deleted πŸ˜”
  5. Gotcha! Much appreciated! I'll update here if I hear anything as well. πŸ˜… Yeah that link as it is I "don't have permission to" see whatever post it's linked to. So I wasn't sure it was moved to some type of inactive seller section I can't see or something else was going on.
  6. Hey there! Is the link to this broken? or is @StephTrooper no longer offering commission pieces for the soft goods? Apparently she hasn't been on the forumns since November 2022 so I reached out to her on Facebook a month ago and have been following up on that but have yet to hear back. If anyone knows if she still does commission work and a good way to get in contact with her, I'd be interested in getting in touch with her! While I was already approved for my rebels biker scout, I want to commission a new neck seal! πŸ˜„
  7. Update and change of plans. So second round of prints turned out alright, but I realized that it would be more trouble then it's worth to deal with gluing all the individual pieces together and making them fit. Luckily I had asked the model maker if he could send me put together version of the blaster So I asked a buddy of mine, who has access to a larger FDM 3D Printer, if he could print it for me as a whole unit! He did and this is it so far! Definitely has very visible layer lines which I will have to work on smoothing out, but I like it! https://imgur.com/5GyrcBQ I need to pick it up from him, but I'm excited to get working on it!
  8. Out of curiosity, does this also apply for the WTF Rebels Animated Version of the scout helmet? The picture posted is of a more Rotj verison and does indeed look diffrent then other Rotj scout helmets I've seen but wording of this says just "WTF Scout Helmets" so want to make sure that it's referring to just live action helmets and those associated builds. Not that there are many of us Rebels Scouts nor is it a costume that is as popular, but I would like to have that clarified in the off chance someone talks with me about the kit I have. I'm 99% sure that I know the answer since I think the Rebels Scout CRL was made with his kit, but I don't want to assume anything πŸ˜‚
  9. I talked with a resin printing expert at my school and the mistakes I made was that I didn't hollow them and I didn't orient them in a way that the weight would be better distributed and so it wouldn't warp. This is how I oriented my second round of prints. Improvements I made from last time was angling them all sideways, making them hollow, adding holes so that excess resin can drain out, and added more supports. Also notice here in the last picture how the part looks diffrent then in previous pictures. That's because I noticed after the original prints how the front barrel piece and the "rail" piece are supposed to slide in together but I was having an issue with doing that. (the warping of the print didn't help with that either) So I carefully lined up the two models and fused them together as one object, so that way they fit together. The second round of prints are actively printing at the moment so I will update later on, but just wanted to compile things while I had a moment!
  10. So this has taken some trial and error to get down and I'm still not done yet. The files came in 3 grouped together sets as seen here when they are thrown in a slicer. The handle pieces are part 1, the mid section pieces are part 2, and the scope and nozzles pieces are part 2. Because they are grouped together, I had to separate some pieces from the cluster. For that I used a free software called Mesh Mixer and used the Plane Cut Tool to slice the groups up into individual pieces. I had originally done this to a couple pieces just so they could fit on the build plate, but I later went back and did it to all the pieces when I did the second round of prints because I needed to mess with them. So these are how I oriented them for the first round of prints. I would NOT recommend doing it this way, but I'm showing it anyways. The reason I would not recommend it this way is because most of the pieces I printed failed in some way. For example some pieces warped like this one: and others created round edges that should have been flat
  11. Slight update! So the bad news is the resin printer was a gooner. Someone had moved it with a full tank of resin still on and it had spilled in it and the damage was worse then we though. Good news is, it's not my printer and we have another which I've used instead πŸ˜‚ I work at the Makerspace on my Universities campus, so I have access to all sorts of creative machines. Including the resin printers. I was hoping to use the larger Elegoo Saturn 2, but since it was broken I used the Mars 3 instead. I will say, that I'm not an expert in resin printing by any means. My expertise is with FDM Printing, so I've only used the resin printer a handful of times. But I know it gets better quality so I want to try it out!
  12. Issue with the printer, not the file
  13. I'm planning on resin printing it so that it'll hopefully have even less print lines then a PLA print! However when I started the resin printer ran into an issue, so now I'm fixing that πŸ˜‚
  14. Actually @Zv288bot I am curious, how have your helmet fans been holding up for ya? Have they helped with fogging ? Since making them back in 2021 have you made changes to them to make them more effective with fogging? I’m curious because my helmet currently doesn’t have any in my scout helmet so I want to add them eventually
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