Hi everyone, finally making a start on this costume. Wish me luck. [emoji846] The armor, etc. Will be 3d printed using Justin's files. I have a shoretrooper friend in my garrison who has kindly offered to help me build an E-22 blaster (I will probably build the MT blaster as well) Gloves. I have ordered from Endor Finders Boots will be custom, using an old pair I have at home painted white. I'll be sewing the jodphurs, gaitors, tassets, shirt, etc. This is the pair of boots I have they are officer style with a slight heel, so I will be painting them white using angelus leather paints. This should help the gaitors stay in place more easily than a short pair of boots, and it will all be hidden by the gaitors and Spats when finished. I have this 1.5" white nylon webbing, which I will use to make the belt. But if I can find a 3" width, I'll use that instead. Justin has given me some cool advice on using these white ribbed plastic sheets to make the leg straps. It is flexible and can be trimmed to size. Sent from my SM-S921B using Tapatalk