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Fibo last won the day on April 11 2023

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  1. I've done it guys! My GML approved my costume. Your help was immeasurable! Thank you all for tips and advices
  2. Ok, my flightsuit arrived. Everything is comfortable. My shoes already have stitched details, so tomorrow I will start weathering, aaand at last I will send photos to my local garrison
  3. I'm still waiting for my flightsuit, but I weathered remaining armor parts. I hope to finish the outfit and register it before Star Wars Celebration. I'm also mounted all the elastics, velcros, and webbing, and every part fits me well. I couldn't wait for the suit, so I tried on the armor without it. Just ahead of me is the finishing of the shoes
  4. Okay, Thank you @Retrofire@, @Aradun, for saying this. Trapezoids on the back are the real vents. I'm printed all the armor. So I will do what must be done. Good to know that weathering is good and you like it
  5. I'm done helmet, and the other parts of armor are waiting for painting, and weathering. Also I attached a magnet clip to the mask closure, and I add microphone for voice amplifier - cable will go under the neckseal, and the speaker will be attached under the chest armor.
  6. Quick question about indent on the left side of the circle on the top of the tank. There is indent, or should I fill it in? And I can't find on the forum answer how to attach tank to the back plate. I only find how to attache it on the ROTJ biker scout with the velcro - is it the same method in the mando scout? (this part is pre-printed. the black color will be better)
  7. Okey, I'm looked at scouts from tv show, and I decided to change lenght of the boots. The boots only looks like they were made from havily textured vinyl due to bright light, and it will look good in summary. I fixed cummerbund:
  8. Yes, that's very helpful. I'm going to add fill, when I will decrease the height of the Cummerbund - with this infill, ribs should look better. I'll take a picture in my boots and add it here later. I'm afraid they may actually be little too short, because I suggested that knee armor is upside-down 😕
  9. Hi everyone! I started doing the costume, and decided to print armor (I have files from Lancer). Up to this moment, I have made Cummerbund, Codpiece and Pouches, Boots without holster, the belt (just sanded and ready to paint) without hip boxes, and tote bag. I want to be sure that I'm doing everything right, so any constructive criticism and advices are appreciated. Tote bag: https://imgur.com/3VHOuLw The Boots: (I had time to change velcro from black to white) https://imgur.com/OIP3Dy9 https://imgur.com/8xh4Srh https://imgur.com/orWVJHZ https://imgur.com/InYLRmR Cummerbund: (As it says in level 2 of certification, I made pouches measured 6x5x2 inches, and cummerbund ribs are 1 inch apart) https://imgur.com/EGfQtLS https://imgur.com/jvRQS6b https://imgur.com/0ZHRlmL https://imgur.com/Srdscgo https://imgur.com/sa6UjwA https://imgur.com/pYqiQiE https://imgur.com/bu35L1R https://imgur.com/onTJthI I know, I must add an extra stitch running down the middle of the outside velcro cummerbund fastener, and remade pouches from heavier material. I'm waiting with weathering till I have all the parts.
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