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501st Pathfinder
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About Bhane

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  • Gender
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    North Carolina

501st Information

  • Name
    Shane Finney
  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Carolina Garrison
  • 501st Profile Page

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  1. Here is some more progress on my shore. Any advice moving forward or things to change. I know the boots are not correct it’s just some I use to check how everything sets.
  2. Thank you. That’s a great idea on the foam I may need to do that on the legs to.
  3. Hey guys I’m working on my Shore Capt here is a pic of where I’m at. I’d like to get some feed back before I get to far. The pants and boots are from another kit I just used them to see how everything fit.
  4. Hey Guys, I’m working on my shore trooper captain and I’m having trouble finding the correct colors. The Ford Nordic blue and Toyota red 3e5. Where is a good place to get these 2 colors
  5. Ok great thank you I messaged Chris a few days ago. It looked like he was very highly recommended. I really appreciate the help.
  6. Hey Guys, I'm looking to purchase my flight suit. Does any one have a good contact for getting one. I've tried several times to sew the leather on the legs and it looks bad. I would really appreciate any help on the best places to get one ready to go. I have everything else ready to go. Thanks
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