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Everything posted by CaptainCunning

  1. Thanks for the advice! I'll spring for a helmet fan kit and experiment with how to place the fans to ensure good airflow - I know that Ukswrath's kits come pretty highly recommended, so I'll look into budgeting for one of those.
  2. If I were to do any drilling, it would be the twelve vertical recesses on the back of the helmet. I would probably back them with some sort of breathable black fabric, but I'm not sure if that would be worthwhile given that I might need to periodically replace the fabric if it gets dirty or worn through.
  3. I've received my Orca Bays, M56 pouch, and a helmet from Jimmiroquai! Pictures of my progress will be incoming shortly. Due to a hiccup, the person that the shoulder bell supports were shipped to seems to have thrown them away. I'll order two new pairs (one for my ROTK and one for this build) and some accessories from Mr. Paul in a couple of weeks, that way I can have everything bundled together in a package that won't be easily lost or tossed in the trash๐Ÿ˜…. Before I begin working on my helmet, I'd love to know if anyone who's worked on a Jimmiroquai helmet has drilled out any vents, recesses, etc. for improved airflow, or if I should just leave it as-is. Thanks in advance!
  4. I'm specifically thinking about the back greebly panels and the shoulder straps/buckles, but I'll definitely reach out to Paul!
  5. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has used Mr. Paul's accessories on Jimmiroquai's kit and, if so, whether they fit well or needed to be modified. Thanks!
  6. The link on one of the "where to find" posts for the coyote brown webbing is shows that the product is out of stock, but I was wondering if this is a suitable replacement, given that it's UK based and purports to be sourced from a supplier to the British MoD. https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1224360910/coyote-brown-38mm-15-webbing-uk-woven?click_key=b8149b5b095425d513bd05516a8823a3e8353e15%3A1224360910&click_sum=4495a075&external_collection=
  7. The Orca Bays, a set of shoulder bell supports from Mr. Paul, and the pouch have shipped. Hopefully they'll get here by the end of the month or the beginning of January. I'm starting to consider what route I'd like to go with my armour; browsing the build threads it seems like a lot of folks are opting for 3D printed armour and, while I like how precise the 3D prints can be, I'm way out of my depth when it comes to printing (let alone assembling) the printed armour. It also doesn't help that I don't have a 3D printer ๐Ÿ˜… I've seen some folks recommend ABS armour kits, but I understand that ABS isn't always the best medium for capturing super sharp edges, ridges, etc. Last year I received a Rogue One TK kit from Jimmiroquai and I've been thrilled with its quality. I was wondering what the consensus is regarding Jimmi's shoretrooper kit and whether it would be worth it to invest in. Thanks in advance for any advice and insight!
  8. I was actually just browsing this thread and getting the names/codes of all the paints listed. I'll ask around at a couple of hardware and paint stores near me to see if they're able to mix what I can't find already made. Thanks for the info!
  9. I've still got a while before I buy my armour because I'm still working on finishing my ROTK build, but I've started collecting parts for my upcoming Captain build. So far I'm waiting on my Orca Bays (Havana from Katherine Partis) and my M56 pouch, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to have my armour ordered by February or March. As I'm in Canada (rural Saskatchewan), I'd love to know where other Canadians are getting the paint for their builds. I'm looking forward to starting on this, and I already can't wait to get my first parts in the mail. I hope to keep this updated regularly, but we'll see how that goes.
  10. Thanks for the advice! I've got my sights set on one, I've just got to wait a bit to hear back from the vendor.
  11. Hello all, I'm working on getting some of the soft parts for my imminent Shore Trooper Captain build and I've noticed that some M56 pouches are listed as "hobnail" because of the rivets on the bottoms of the individual magazine cells. I have also seen M56 pouches without these rivets (see below). Were both of these used in Rogue One? Is one "more correct" than the other, or does it matter which I use? Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks very much for the advice! I've got to get new cans for my respirator, but I've been sure to use one for all of my armour-related work. Gel coat is a tad more expensive and harder to come by around here, but I'll definitely think about using it. Do you find that glue bonds well to it? I'm trying to decide whether I should mount strapping before or after applying the backing material.
  13. Have you found that Plasti Dip makes it hard to glue strapping to the inside of the armour pieces? Some folks I'm talking to who've worked with it have mentioned that glue doesn't bond to it very well. I could always add the strapping and then Plasti Dip it, or I could keep the areas I want to glue strapping to free of Plasti Dip. There's a lot to consider here and it seems like there's really no wrong way to go about it. ๐Ÿ˜… Thanks again to everyone for all the advice!
  14. Excellent! It looks like it's available at a couple of stores near me. Thanks again for the recommendation!
  15. I actually haven't! It hadn't crossed my mind, if I'm honest. How is it for tackiness? Do I need to put on a clear coat or something similar after I apply it?
  16. Hi all, This is cross-posted on the WhiteArmor forums because I figured I'd try to pick as many brains as I can before committing to buying potentially expensive chemicals. I've been waiting for the summer heat to ease up a bit before backing my Jimmi ROTK kit with something to prevent itching caused by loose fibreglass fibres. I'm most likely going to be using vinylester resin, but in my search for Canadian vendors I've discovered that something called Gelcoat that appears to have been designed to top coat fibreglass. I was wondering if anyone has any experience in using it, and whether it would be better to use it over vinylester resin. Additionally, I noticed that the vendor I'm intending to purchase from sells a Gelcoat applicator gun, so I'm wondering if I'd need that to apply Gelcoat or if I could get away with using cheap paintbrushes as my applicators.
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