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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by nateopotato

  1. @Chopper Thank you for the feedback, I can post a picture tonight of one on the tubing. I feel like it needed to be trimmed down more, but wanted to check before removing more material. My kit is from WTF.
  2. Was working on the thermal detonator last night. I can't find in the CRL or in the forums what the depth/height (not the diameter or circumference) should be, or if it matters as long as both caps are the same. Pics in the forums seem to be at various depths/heights. Mine are concaved and are about 1 inch high overall (it feels like that's too tall, should be more like 1/2 inch high?). My question about the end caps, what is the approved depth/height of the end caps?
  3. Thanks for the awesome overview of your build. I snagged the same STL's and started printing mine today!
  4. Yup, thanks I'll flip the elastic. Just wanted to show how they arrived out of the bag. Happy to help and contribute to the Detachment.
  5. Ok, with some help from @Chopper I figured out my forum image posting issues. I switched Hosting Sites so that the pics can now be seen in this post.
  6. Here are the pictures that I took. Pardon any cat hair in the shots, I tried to remove it. Also still learning picture techniques for the Forum.
  7. I can, when I get home tonight I'll post them.
  8. This is a general announcement to share with the Detachment information I learned. Yesterday, I just received my Biker Scout jumpsuit from Imperial Boots that I ordered on 08/05/22. When I ordered it, the leather suede was an extra option/cost and was designed to have the Mandarin collar. When I opened the package yesterday, I noticed that it has an open collar. I checked the Imperial Boots webpage today and it has been updated in general, but specifically the Biker Scout jumpsuit now comes with the leather suede, open collar and removable neckseal as standard (minor cost increase than previous version/release). It appears Imperial Boots has responded quickly to the news from earlier in August that an open collar is now acceptable for the jumpsuit. I wanted to spread the word and say thank you to Imperial Boots for staying on top of current 501st updates. - Nate
  9. WIP update: Does it matter what type/shade of black and gray paint is used for the greeblies?
  10. GLOVES I just received my Wampa Wear, XL Biker Scout gloves. I trimmed off the loops that held the clips. They fit well with no flare.
  11. I like the slim profile of this 25 gallon one, would that be too small for Biker Scout? https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-25-Gal-Connect-Rolling-Tool-Box-249208/314213514
  12. And so it begins, this long journey of my first build and it's going to be a ROTJ Biker Scout Trooper. My first part arrived. It's the helmet bolts. These are the Fibre-Metal by Honeywell FM4001 Quick-Lok Helmet Adapter Kit that I purchased from Amazon. I have two questions; 1) Do I need to sand/file down the mold seams that are through the center of the grey parts? 2) Is the dip/divot/dimple in the center of the grey parts deep enough (they just seem shallow, but it's there) for potential future Lancer approval? Thank you for any feedback, Nate
  13. This is wonderful insight, thoughtful and experienced advice. Thank you Chopper for posting this, I'll definitely take this into consideration for my build.
  14. Congratulations!
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