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Scout Juan

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Scout Juan

  1. Also the Helmet is very heavy by itselft, I use another helmet and again thanks for all the members help me in this journey @Aradun, @Chopper
  2. Super cool design πŸ‘Œ
  3. Got approved ,thanks for all the advice and support TB 10675
  4. Fingers crossed 🀞🏻 Pictures submitted https://photos.app.goo.gl/c9YUFgRiRz5aGkA66
  5. New pictures https://photos.app.goo.gl/AFgUyhwFeNKnyV358
  6. Thanks for the advice appreciated πŸ‘πŸ»
  7. Thanks for the advice appreciated πŸ‘πŸ»
  8. I fix the scout,take a lot a pictures any advice is appreciated https://photos.app.goo.gl/TcwVNUxLVw2vmzok7
  9. Close,any advice is appreciated Thanks https://photos.app.goo.gl/2RMPBdEUfDJvACVT8
  10. Any one have 3d files for this? please
  11. Where I can foud good information dor put my armor together?I appreciate for the info Thanks
  12. My condolences
  13. thanks for the advice, my armor is from MonCalsPropShop, and they don't have the helmet ready, only the kit, would like it to be ready
  14. Looking for helmet ChrisThePropGuy or Any recommendations for buy helmet? please
  15. Thanks for your helpπŸ‘πŸ»
  16. Hi Today received my flight suit from imperial boots
  17. Today I received my softh parts From Chris Ruiz
  18. Today I received my Helmet from Cyber Craft
  19. also is any one have a extra helmet for sale let me know please thanks
  20. Good morning multiple serch but all take an unbelievable number of weeks, i found this place for cyber craft helmet with a reasonable price my question is this place trustworthy and their works approvable? https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fcyber-craft.shop%2F%3Futm_source%3Dfacebook%26utm_campaign%3Dprofile%26fbclid%3DIwAR1cvxyuh4B1ExPyPKV2vqaMXdLOsv2U3PRsg5ZhHlzzHMQjTEwised-Ew4&h=AT1hNOv6nGsvkCH3vCDiHnIuWxoZEePv0M81VvXDTKV4R1W6PRaN68utBRAe-4m_xb02cbEwsMfQB3TuffQV62CaPHk425EGuuxMOTLFjVjPq2EnQBLjXTQrpg38NjhdN4yoew
  21. I'm going to start this adventure to be a scout trooper My name is Juan C (Scout Juan) this is the beginning of a process where i open one or many questions to get approved with my suit In a special way I want to thank Dennis (AradunFF) for all the information he has given me to start this adventure of being a Scout trooper For now, I have already ordered the boots and gloves of crowprops by Gio and I am looking for the other components and I will show you to receive your advice to improve it. thank you for allowing me to be in this group
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