So that seemed to work. I'll try and make a few posts charting my journey thus far over the next few days. So, the kit arrived in its rough and ready state, and as @Minimosaid, nothing prepared me for how itchy that stuff is uncoated. First up I washed everything thoroughly
Then, I primed the outside and Plastidipped the inside
I was a bit too eager to get going and used white primer, instead of something darker, which has subsequently come back to bite me when I've been a bit too over-zealous with the weathering. Next up was the Montana Gold Shock Dark Brown undercoat on everything, at which point I started to feel like I was actually making some progress. About 4 cans of this seemed to do a good job of covering all the exterior surfaces
I then got on to adding Sahara Beige, again using 4 cans of that to coat everything, in between watching @BikerScout007's YouTube video about a million times, and stalking the Shoretrooper Fam FB group. How many times can you get caught by your partner looking at Shoretroopers on your phone (again) without looking like you've developed some kind of a fetish?
And then, totally, in the wrong order, I discovered the wonder of masking fluid. This stuff is awesome for creating the look of wear and chips and I wish I had known about it sooner. Luckily I hadn't applied beige to the leg armour or any of the buckles and straps, so I soon got busy with my masking fluid on those.
With the stuff I had already sprayed beige, I went back and sprayed some brown again, applied the fluid and then re-sprayed the beige. This was a pain, although I'm glad that I took the time - I think it will look better in the end. Here's an early shot of the helmet, where I did this a few times in a number of different spots.
I'm going to end this post on a cliff-hanger, as at this point I started to notice a few limitations with the Jimmi armour, especially in relation to the straps/buckles and helmet, which forced me into a bit of a rethink. Always leave your audience wanting more...