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  1. I bought them from another member. Not sure who made them. Sorry
  2. 😢😢 nobody?
  3. Ok I have a few questions for those that have actually printed a Nico Helmet. 1- Is the visor buck just something to use to make your own visor off of? 2- what method did you use to size the helmet fit for your head? 3- does anyone have the full file pieced together so I can digitally measure some areas for guess fitting? 4- Thought is to use Calipers to measure ear to ear, then nose to back of head, then look at digital cross sections of the helmet and measure to make sure the print is the right size when done. 5- with clone trooper helmets I have printed sizing rings but that is easy with a full helmet file, but with all the pieces it doesn't help with sizing. 6- the nico files all sit just how they would on your head, does anyone have any different suggestions for print orientation to aid in sanding etc 7- like clone troopers, can you leave supports out of the inside of the helmet top for printing? or it needs support? 8- how much filament did it take you with supports? Thanks in advance to anyone with knowledge on the subject.
  4. Any chance you know what percentage you printed this at and your head measurements in mm diameter from nose to back of head and diameter from ear to ear, (Caliper measurements straight across)
  5. Got some more soft goods
  6. Agreed it visually makes things not look correct. Thanks
  7. These photos show better what I was talking about. The blast shield on the forehead looks way too big for the helmet on the SF compared to the Anovos thanks
  8. So pretty dang similar huh. one thing I have seen and notice on some pictures of folks is the blast shield looking to big and wide on Nicos file render on Etsy the blast shield looks very close to the helmet which I like. just trying to be as budget conscious as possible. While trying to decide between the fields and Nico helmet
  9. Photos aren’t loading @BikerScout007
  10. Anyone have side by side helmet photos of the Sean fields and the nico helmet fully done. Just curious if my little brain can actually see the difference or not. Thanks
  11. Great day today at a local armor party and got to meet a guy doing a Shore so he let me try his helmet on. I am getting closer to decisions. So that is good.
  12. Messaged. Thank you sooo much
  13. Yeah I have no problem destroying boots… as a Firefighter I am a natural LOL
  14. I want a Kama and no hip plates though LOL. I am complicated it is just a cool piece and got it very inexpensive so was worth it. Maybe by the time Andor comes out they will mess it up again and have my style. LOL
  15. So I am starting this thread so it has a beginning. Things will roll slow as I got word today and needing a fusion in my back. But needing something for future happiness I figured I would start i know a squad doesn’t have the ammo pouch but picked one up because they are cool. anyways with funds tight I probably can’t buy Paul’s Files $170 USD and the $450 of extras you need so I plan to use Sean’s Files and hope I can get help along the way of what may need adjustments for approval. started with boots and guess I will work my way up
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