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About LadyFalke

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    German Garrison

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  1. Thank you!! I have already made some contact with trees 😅 and I will be on the look out for murder bears
  2. I have just received the E-mail form my GMOs that my Scout was approved! TB-21049 reporting for duty! Thank you for your help during my build. I plan to try for Lancer in the long run, but for now I just want to test the armor on some troops.
  3. I can't believe that I have not posted in almost 6 months. But don't be afraid, I have not given up my Scout. I have worked on it and I sould be able to finish it within the next month. All the individual armor pieces are finished and also weathered. I just need to work on the attachment. I have also build, painted and weathered the helmet. But I wanted to let you check the weathering before I continue working on it. I'm unsure if my helmet is overweathered compared to the armor. I know the lightning is not the best, but it's the best I can do with the grey winter weather. The helmet is also still wet, but I needed to take the pictures before it gets dark outside.
  4. Thank you for your help! I have moved my backplate up a little bit and formed the shoulder straps accordingly. I can not move it up any more, otherwise I would'nt be able to lower my arms. The lower tape marks where the backplate sat yesterday. My mother has already some ideas how we can fill the cod to make it stiffer withour restricting my movement. And I will try to lower the belt, but not today. Today is the hottest day of the year so far, so I don't really want to wear my whole outfit today.
  5. I have worked a lot on my scout over the last few weeks. Today I tried all the pieces together, to get a feel for how they fit together. Everything is sitting a bit wonky at the moment and is attached with a lot of tape. I hope that you can still more or less judge my progress. My most important questions are: 1. Is the vertical position of my pockets okay? I know that they are asymetrical in their horizontal position and I will determine the correct position with some measuring tape. 2. Are the dimensions of my diaper correct? I have not finished sewing them, the cresent detail will for sure come, when I know that the dimensions are fine. 3. Do you have any tips to prevent the diaper from developing folds? I have some real problems with that Of course I am happy with any other feedback that you can provide. Here are my pictures and I am sorry about the bad lightning. I didn't notice how bad it was until I looked at them on my laptop. I will for sure try to get some better pictures the next time.
  6. Thank you for all the feedback! I wanted to resize the shoulder bells before doing the vest to ensure the length of the arms is correct in relation to the shoulder bells. But I can also do it the other way around, make the vest and resize the shoulder bells to fit.
  7. My armor arrived last week and I have already started to trim some pieces. I'd like to start with my vest next week. Therefore, I have started with the chest, the back, one shoulder and one bicep. I attached everything to myself to see, if I need to downsize any plates, as that would affect the pattern of my vest. First question: Is the position of the chest and back correct? If yes, I will adjust the shoulder straps accordingly. I am happy that I can fit the bicep and shoulder on my upper arm with a little gap in between, where the vest will end. However, my biceps plates now sits very close to my elbow, as you can see here: It would be great if I could move my biceps up a bit. I have compared my pictures with the CRL model and also some reference pictures and I should be able to trim my shoulder a bit without destroying my proportions. I would like to trim 0.5 cm at the top and at the sides and 1-1.5 cm at the bottom. I have drawn a line to show how I intend to trim. I think that my gap between the shoulder strap and shoulder bell is really good right now. I intend to move the shoulder up after trimming the top, to not make the gap between the plates larger. Do you think that this plan will work?
  8. These are my boots after I have cut the pattern into the soles. They are from Kappa.
  9. Thank you for your fast and helpful feedback. I have looked at those two topics when I made the patterns and they helped a lot. I can easily make the recommended adjustments. Thank you for showing me your Wip, it is great to see that you can for sure make an awesome Ewok-sized Scout. I look forward to continue with my build!
  10. Hello everyone, I have wanted to build a Scout for some time but a few weeks ago it was finally time to start my build. I want to try for Lancer in the long run, so I have already invested a lot of time in my research. This also not my first cosplay, I have some Mandos, two officers and a Clone Trooper. But the Scout is very different from everything I have build so far. I am very small with only 5'4". And I like sewing so I try to make all my soft parts my self. I have alredy started with my boots, pictures will follow in the future, my base boots were recommended by a fellow scout and I have also seen them here on the forum before as a good base. I have also ordered an armor kit from RWA and will order a helmet from Ironmotion. The reason that I am starting my Wip now, are the modifications of my flightsuit. I have bought some real suede as required for Lancer. As this was quite expensive, I want to be 100% sure that my patches are correct before I start cutting the suede. It would be great if you could tell me, if I need to change anything of my pattern. I tried to follow reference pictures as much as possible, but they do look different every time and it's hard to see with the black on black. This hideous orange colour should at least help with that 😅 The two white stripes on the front picture mark the top and bottom edge of my patella for reference. I have only noticed that the bottom edge of my butt flap is askew after I already changed back to my normal clothes. I would say the left side is definitly to long, but I am not sure if the right side is still too long. Like the orange fabric the elastic is also only attached with some stichtes by hand. So I can easily adjust the length if necessary. The width of the elastic is exactly 5 cm. I look forward to your feedback!
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