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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Burnsie

  1. Welcome and thanks to the previous 🤘
  2. Great work, congratulations.
  3. Going slow but steady, think I have 1 more item to sort out and then should be ready to try again. 👍
  4. Hi, Just to let you know I have been working through the items listed and should be in a position to re-submit in the coming weeks,😀
  5. Thanks for your feedback much appreciated, and you have identified a few major and a few minor issues against the level 2 and crl reference (as it currently stands as it is inaccurate against screen references as we are all aware of). I’ll probably just leave this armour set as level 1 clearance for the time being until the crl is more defined, as it is a great costume already cleared with 501st and RL against that standard with no issues, and I was happy to be the 1st to take the plunge. Look forward to continuing as a kashyyyk pathfinder 👍😉
  6. If you need anymore just let me know. 👍
  7. Dressed costume images - Troops & 501st Approved Clearance Photographs
  8. No problems, I’d noticed they had disappeared I’ll re- upload my 501st clearance ones tonight with some extras taken on troops. 👍
  9. Hi, I was just wondering on how the review was going and if you needed any further info or pictures. Thanks 👍
  10. If you need any further images dont hesitate to contact me. Thanks and look forward to feedback
  11. Cumberbund, Pouch , Cod and belt details
  12. Ok no problems, I will upload the additional images over the next couple of days no problems, please feel free to pass on any comments to date. Thank you
  13. Thanks for that feed back, I’ll have a look into that definitely 👍
  14. The maker of this for the most part is unknown, it was purchased from the US by a fellow UK trooper, maybe 5 years ago, then sold on to another in the UK and now in my hands for approximately 10 months during which time I have made some slight mods and fixes to improve. I has been 1st cleared by a local costuming group and since by the Rebel Legion and 501st in the last 2 months. Any comments welcome.
  15. Hi, Please find attached image links for submission to the 41st. https://imgur.com/kccFg8Z https://imgur.com/VtztC2j https://imgur.com/rEHiM3W https://imgur.com/s0gDQHS https://imgur.com/KlZmd3E https://imgur.com/bCjflEz https://imgur.com/9blUQMn https://imgur.com/DGitdzn https://imgur.com/Q43X10e https://imgur.com/H90AcoS https://imgur.com/W4G1Uoq https://imgur.com/v6JavU7 If you require any other details please let me know. Thanks
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