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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by jdouce45

  1. Another piece completed, well until I put it all together and start addressing fitting issues and whatnot. I'm sort of taking an iterative approach with the pieces now after building some of the dependencies. You can measure and speculate out the wazzoo but really don't know how its going to look until you start putting all of the pieces together and seeing them in context. I think that might have been why I was afraid to have someone else build the soft parts originally. If they didn't fit or were wonky, I'd be stuck at someone's mercy to get new ones or have them altered. Its been a challenge, but taking the tougher road of building them myself I now have an understanding of how they are made and how to tackle issues or just outright scrap a bad one and move on to a new one. So here is my codpiece, it was made from the same material as the cummerbund but instead of using batting as I did there, I opted to use three layers of white felt which seemed more stable and less likely to shift around inside. The area right above the crescent to the elastic has an additional 3mm closed cell foam insert in the base layer instead of the felt to give it some form and prevent the cameltoe. These filling layers were stitched together then cut to final shape. To ease getting them inside and aligned, which was a bear the first time, I stitched the foam tip of the insert to the elastic when it was inside out. Then I could pull the elastic strap to make the whole thing right side out and all of the stuffing went inside and aligned properly. I sewed the elastic between the layers initially when the two panels were joined and doubled it up. I just liked the cleaner look of no surface stitching. If this was a bad choice, let me know please :-). I intend to attach it to the vest using velcro in the front and use the parachute buckle to the vest in the rear. I'm thinking of bathroom break time when you will be alone and need to get the thing off quickly and the need to redress alone after. The buckle would let you get it attached back to the right place with less fuss maybe. I've tried it on and had the wife look it over about ten times now. To her eyes it looks good, so I'll say its good until I get some full shots and can adjust. Those should be coming soon, time permitting. Thanks for the good words above guys! I do appreciate them.
  2. Thanks guys, I appreciate the positive comments. Those really go along way in keeping the enthusiasm and optimism going, especially when the going isn't so good. It seems like I've been working on this forever, but looking at the list and time line, I've just gotten started and I'll need the small victories to fuel the struggles I've yet to face.
  3. Finally finished the vest. Anyone who says building one of these is easy is not to be believed.
  4. The second pouch and the cummerbund is done. I've not attached them together, still mulling over how I'm going to do it. I'm afraid I missed the opportunity to add velcro to the tabs on the boxes. They are pinned on the cummerbund in the proper location.
  5. I'm switching over to the pouch, cummerbund, cod piece assembly for a bit. It seems in order to determine the riding patch size and placement, these items that lay on top are necessary to have otherwise it is beyond me to predict where they will lie accurately. So once these are done I'll be going back to the suit. I still lack the riding patches, butt flap and elastic straps. In the meantime, can I get an opinion on this pouch? I've used a combination of the following links to work out how to build them. It took a couple of tries to understand how they went together and get what I think is a usable pouch. And now mine: A plastic box has been created to fill out the pouch and show its dimensions. If it is impractical to leave in and still use the pouches I may cut them in half height wise as AradunFF did in his build, but I'll wait and see.
  6. Suit is getting close to done. Have tapered the legs and arms to fit better as it was quite large on me. Shortened the legs and added elastic stirrups to help with bunching between the boot top and knee armour. Have removed the back pockets and the additional side pocket added to the Kolossus brand coveralls that isn't on the RedKap coveralls. Have sewn the front pockets at the waist shut so they don;t open when bending over and stay smooth. And I'm about to start on the riding patches. I am on the fence a little on the collar height. I used the existing collar and scabbed on some of the length to complete the mandarin style collar as shown in several tutorials. First, how does it look quality wise, is it supposed to be this tall, and just how tight is it supposed to fit around your neck? I can add an additional velcro strip to make it tighter if need be. I'll post some photos of me in it for the last question once the patches have been added.
  7. Boots done! I'm really glad those are over with, but glad you guys were able to steer me in the right direction. Next up will be the flight suit. I'll post images as soon as I have some progress to talk over or decisions to make.
  8. Dogbone question: I've been looking over various sources and there are alot of variations on the dogbone length. Some tutorials have it extend down about 3/16ths over the sole, where the CRL images have it right up against the skinny trim that goes around the toe. Which is the correct one? I'm leaning toward the CRL image I've seen, but its such a drastic difference from other images that it has me second guessing. I picked a compromise between the extremes below and have them pinned up until I find some clarification. Thanks!
  9. My left boot is assembled, except for the dogbone. The sewing machine is a little intimidating but I think it turned out anyway.
  10. I'm much happier with the second try on the boots. I learned alot on cutting these.
  11. After looking this over quite a bit, I'm not happy with it as well. I did not succeed in what I was trying to achieve and it is now going to bug me forever unless it is fixed. So...new pair of boots has been ordered and Mistake #1 on this project is out of the way. I still have the Right boot, so I will continue on it until the new pair arrive on Saturday!
  12. I do see what you are referring to. Initially I was trying to recreate the front pattern on the Sierra sole which is captured fairly well in this photo from Crowprops, but ran into a slight issue when I changed to the larger lugs. I had a choice, either have an odd rhythm with the teeth on the outside or a larger horizontal section. I made my choice which may have been a mistake. Luckily these are fairly cheap in the scheme of this costume if I need to get another pair on the way. Below are a couple of additional photos and the image from Crowprops I was using.
  13. First boot attempt using the following tutorial: I started by drawing the pattern shown in the Crowprops photograph here: https://crowprops.bigcartel.com/product/biker-shadow-scout-boots-accurate-soles but after seeing it all laid out it seemed to lose the visual appeal, not to mention that there was ALOT more tiny boxes to cut out. After the first heel I got intimidated and decided to go for the larger blocks instead of the full horizontal rib all the way around. Will this successfully pass basic and then possibly Lancer? I'll either be working the other over for the rest of the week, so maybe by the weekend it will be time to do the vinyl.
  14. Hello All, I am in the initial phase of starting my scout build. This will be my first project with the goal of basic approval followed up with Lancer if possible. I'll be riding the coat tails of AradunFF using his build thread as my playbook. I want to thank him for his detail and organization which has already saved so much time and effort. I have already purchased most of the items needed, lacking just a few which will arrive sometime this week. I've opened everything up and tried on the pieces that I can. I'll be tackling the boots first since that is the part that scares me the most. I've performed the cust on the first boot and will be posting pictures for input shortly. I want to thank any and all that take the time to look over my progress and provide input, positive or negative, as I want this project to be successful. I'm quite excited to (hopefully soonish) be trying for 501st membership and proud that it will be as a scout, which may be the first Imperial character that I really loved back in '83. Amazon Kolossos Overalls Black balaclava 2" Hook and Loop (Velcro): Black 2" Hook and Loop (Velcro): White 2" Black Elastic Band Kingshow 1366 Boots: size 10 Elastic Laces 1.5" White Elastic Band 1" Black Elastic Band 1/2" Black Elastic Band Joanns White Duck Cloth for Pouches Black T-Shirt (Flak Vest pattern) XL (order one size up from your normal T-Shirt). 100% Black Cotton Fabic 1.5 yds (Flak Vest) 2 yds Cotton Sateen Fabric for Cummerbund Tandy Leather - done Black Pigskin Suede Split Barge Wampawear RC Wampawear Scout Gloves: Lg. Marine Vinyl: Bought 4 yards which may be enough for several sets Source: https://www.marinevinylfabric.com/products/marine-vinyl-fabric?variant=23064337926 NegativeEleven (pathfinders forum): Budget Blaster EC-17 Hold-out blaster SC Armor Kit SC Helmet Kit -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tasklist Boots - completed Holster- completed Knee Armour - completed Thermal Detonator- completed Belt- completed Pouches - completed Cod Piece- completed Cummerbund- completed Back - completed Chest - completed Vest - completed Gloves - completed Forearm armour - completed Upper arm armour- completed Shoulder armour - completed Flight Suit - 90% - completed Balaclava - completed Helmet- completed --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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