Skip, I think it looks Awesome! From the texture to the dying...grey/ their will always be a difference in color. But overall you are nailing this one down! Keep posting the progress. I like the Olive webbing.
Welcome! We have a whole KST section and I think everyone who is approved has then as grey leather.
I love that pic as I have it as my destktop pic...have you found any other pics..more like a frontal pic?
Randy you know I'll be their...I am just tentative on the time as I am building Hoth rifles and packs for RL and have some V-time with them at CV. I want to get my front and back plate done and the toe armor for my Kashyyyk done...
Also have you gotten and Wookie interest?
Looking good... here is an old pic I saved from the original build....someone needs to take on these gloves I no Mosi made some nice ones. I think the gloves stop just past the wrist. Look at the detail in the wrist band fastener/buckle/greeblie?! What ever it is.
NOW! The truth comes out! STENCIL IT! Great Idea!...I Would not even had know But then again I wondered how the cameo was so neat! :D ...Mosi it turned out great anyway nice pic.