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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Patrol85

  1. Thanks just Got Tapatalk now hope it help with the bigger pics Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. @Hask Thanks i see What they says but thought the Line was Black since the Armor came Pre-painted from Denis (armoryshop)
  8. It Won’t allow for bigge pics than this πŸ˜”
  9. So im finally done with the suit just wait for the appeoval an probley gonna be the first An for now only Patrol trooper in Denmark πŸ˜†
  10. @Hask i Did an Got Alot good help from it so much that i Think im finish with the Armor now just need to take the aprove pics now an thats the only part i cant Do my self πŸ˜… So Thanks to the Wip forum i manage to addemble the whole suit myself An its my first suit so im totaly green on this
  11. @Hask okay i Used straps an poppers For my belt but maby i need to glue the last part on it Won’t tilte or make som support for it
  12. @Hask how did you Secure the thermal Detonator ? i try with magnets on top but the buttom is to heavry so it Tilts down?
  13. @AradunFF how Can i add it to the vendor list ? they piecs are every more amazing irl They only problem i Got is to fit my head in it so i have to take the greenlies out but when its on display is just wow effekt all over 😍
  14. @Hask how did you Do the Codpiece?
  15. @Hask Thanks i will
  16. @Retrofire Thanks πŸ˜„ no but wish i was that good to make it my self But i bought Them from ws custom helmet liners on facebook
  17. @Hask tanks i Will try an find som more Velcro πŸ˜†
  18. Done with my helmet
  19. Did you sew it on or glue it ?
  20. Hi troopers up comming Patrol trooper from Denmark here almost finish with my Armor but need some ideas how to Attached the shoulder pads with no visible straps?
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