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Everything posted by Jdmtuner13

  1. Thanks for the opinions every one I’ll take your advise and keep the lone wolf and sell the CB. Appreciate it
  2. So I built two helmets. A CB helmet from and a Lonewolf. I only want to keep one. Want on opinions on which I should keep. I’ll be honest I’m leaning towards the lone wolf but Wallis like some feedback. Pics added thanks CB Lonewolf CB lonewolf cb lonewolf
  3. I just completed minus installing the lens my lone wolf helmet. Was a challenging build but I think it came out good. I’ll will post progress pics once they are loaded but for now the almost finished product.
  4. Looking to see if there is a pattern on how to cut out the suede pegs for the flight suit and the best way to sew them on?
  5. I have looked at the comparison post but wanted the opinions of some seasoned scouts. Which is more screen accurate mon cal or newer mold studio creations?
  6. Ok was wondering because I’m 5’6” and you looked closer to my stature next to those bigger scouts. How do you like the wampa gloves how would you recommend them in sizes?
  7. Great build bud. May I ask how tall are you? Also what gloves did you purchase as I’m in the market for gloves and was told wampa wear run very small. I usually use medium gloves to have them fit snug and fingers not be overly long.
  8. I painted this helmet build with rustoleum 2x gloss white
  9. Took a look at screen used helmet images and debated that but in my opinion and I may be wrong but I believe the black ends right at that edge. We’re it’s flat up at the snout I don’t really see it going over that as you suggested. I googled a bunch of images of screen used helmets and this is how I felt comfortable putting the black on. Again I may be wrong and I am sure you may know more than me on the subject. 😀
  10. Update I was able to attach nose snout greablie and decals. Looks great. Need a new Lens as the one I received with the kit was damaged. And scratched to heck. If anyone has one please message me. Amazon seller is out of stock. Stock have to paint inside black and attack hard had liner.
  11. So I freehanded it. I trust my hands more than tape. https://i.imgur.com/DExtJo9.jpg
  12. Lol yeah I can see the tape taking that white paint right with it.
  13. Hmm I would be worried that tape would peel off the paint. I have a pretty steady hand use to be an art major. I may try to free hand it to have more control.
  14. Thanks bud. Now to figure out how to paint the black part of the snout lol
  15. So filled sanded, repeated ect. First coats of paint on now after wet sanding the primer
  16. Bummer unavailable
  17. Hello again. What’s the best replacement lenses that will still be screen accurate. As lenses get scratched I’m sure many have replaced there’s. Also we’re would you order them from ect?
  18. Ok was just thinking extra protection I’ll follow your recommendation though.
  19. So when I paint the helmet should I put a coat of clear on it? I am going with rustoleum 2x ultra cover gloss white
  20. Yeah I’m trying to make it as good as possible but I want to leave some imperfections to make it screen accurate
  21. Working on it some more. Almost have all the blemishes fixed. Were all the joint lines smooth on the screen used helmetS?
  22. Believe me it was horrible I wish I would have took pics lol.
  23. It was. I decided to pull it out the trash. Yes it really was in my trash can. I began to rework it and fill the cracks in the plastic and the holes ect. Devcon plastic weld is now my best friend. I redid the inner Skelton to strengthen it aswell. This is after some sanding and first coat of filler primer to see we’re I have to work next on. I think I may be able to actually get this to look half way decent.
  24. Almost ashamed to say it. I thought I did good enough research turned out I did not.
  25. Not my first choice by any means but made the cardinal sin and purchased a helmet I thought was good and was complete trash and lost all that extra cash so I’m kinda in the middle of being disgusted and wanting to quite my scout build and rushing to search for a replacement so I don’t loose my mojo to do the build and at the same time with a significant lesser budget because of the garbage I purchased. So yeah not in a good place right now lol.
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