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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Michael_Davis26019

  1. Congratulations on achieving Lancer status!!
  2. So sizing inside the helmet is really gonna depend on you. I used some foam from a local hardware store for ac units and I’m still working on a fan setup for the new helmet. And thank you for the compliment on my new helmet.
  3. Here are more pictures of the bottom of the helmet, hope this helps! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. It took me about a week, that’s because I had to reprint the dome due to a piece not printing how I wanted it to.
  5. I will get some more pictures posted on here this evening. I used esun PLA+ and it took 2 spools to do the whole helmet.
  6. I’ve had the same issue with my previous 850 helmet. I would go with what @Minimo said. I used bondo and it just held on by a thread lol.
  7. Thank you! Looking forward to it!
  8. Thank you, he is on Facebook under Nico Henderson and he also has an Etsy shop.
  9. Cool deal, I do recommend going to the shoretrooper fam group on Facebook and looking up William Ellender for a helmet though.
  10. I myself own an 850AW kit. It all comes down to how detailed you want it. When I got my kit I built it to lvl 1 specs. It’s not a bad quality kit at all, and it turned out pretty well, the only downside to me was the collar assembly. Just me being honest if I did it over, I’d 3D print or go with imperial surplus.
  11. Everything has been painted and now weathered. I’ll be ordering MPSB lenses after the new year! It’s not completely perfect but I like it and as long as it brings a smile to someone’s face it’s all good[emoji1690] The parts you see missing black paint in the pictures of it clean have been painted now. Glad to be a shoretrooper and proud to be in this detachment!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. Hey y’all!! Progress is continuing to be made, got the helmet all smoothed out and filled in with Evercoat Metal Glaze. I used this on my clone armor and it’s awesome stuff! Here’s some pics: I then applied a base layer of rust oleum matte black spray paint. Really enjoying this helmet build so far!! Being a shoretrooper is awesome [emoji1690] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Thank you I appreciate that a lot!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Got all the parts smoothed with 400 grit sandpaper. Applied sandable filler primer, this will sit until tomorrow evening. Then I’ll bondo filler putty in the necessary areas and go from there with another coat of primer. The top came out a lot better than I anticipated. I used light pressure with 120 grit sandpaper to get the layers knocked down evenly. Then smoothed. I’m really pleased with how it’s going so far!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Hey y’all, I’m Michael. I’m a shoretrooper squad leader ST-26019, I’ll be posting pictures and documenting this helmet Build. I currently have the v2 helmet from 850armorworks and I’d like to update. So here we go!! I printed all the pieces how they came in the files from Nico. Material used: ESUN PLA+ Printer used: CR-10 300 I’ve started sanding the pieces now using 100 grit sandpaper. The pieces have actually come out very smooth so far. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Welcome! I’m Michael and it’s nice to see another potential shoretrooper. I bought my kit from 850AW. For lvl 1 approval not much had to be done in the way of modifying. You get a “replacement” collar you have to install and that’s about it. I do have my downsides with that though. If you are seeking a higher level of approval I recommend giving imperial surplus a shot. If not stick with 850 AW and enjoy it! It was my first kit and I built a squad leader. I’m actually about to start a nico Henderson helmet print for better accuracy. I hope this helps and welcome to the forums. Always post up questions we’re here to help! ST/CC-26019 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Looking forward to watching your progress! I’m an ST building a clone!
  19. Awesome, excited to watch the progress 🤙
  20. Which ender 3 did you start out using?
  21. Thank you for the response. I have found a guy on here that has helped me out sourcing the coverall suit that you’re talking about. I have seen that flak vest tutorial and will most likely go that route. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Hello all! I am Michael and I’m currently ST-26019 and I’ve been pondering the idea of building a biker scout. I know who I’d go with on the white soft parts and armor however, I’m stumped on where to get my black soft parts from. I’d also like to achieve the lancer status. Thanks and cheers!
  23. Haha that’s why I haven’t yet. Yeah I’m thinking about putting foam at the lenses edges. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Maybe a Sean fields helmet that’s been molded? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  25. Alrighty y’all, I have an issue with my lenses pushing into my nose and face... I have an 850 armorworks V2 Shoretrooper helmet. It is supposedly a Sean fields print that has been molded. It has the black nose “ridge” on the face. Could I remove that ridge and replace the lenses with the Paul prentice lenses? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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