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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Acidburn50

  1. thank you for all the ideas guys
  2. Hi everyone, I’m about to start the process of sewing my pouches and wanted to know what the opinion is on the best way for attachment to the cummerbund? Is it attached with Velcro? And if so where at on the back of the pouch, behind the attachment tab or on the main part of the pouch towards the middle?
  3. thanks for the input
  4. Hi there, is there a general consensus on whats better for holding the vinyl on the boots, shoo goo or E6000. Going to be attempting to make mine soon and was wondering what the better option is.
  5. I’m seeing these coveralls on the NEX site, anyone have any idea if these are thinner than the redkap coveralls? And yea I know they would need to be died. https://www.mynavyexchange.com/mobile/pdp/pdpLayout.jsp?productId=12840531
  6. Thanks again for all the tips everyone. I’m going to be ordering my armor soon, and while waiting for that will be learning to sew lol. I plan on sewing all the parts myself, it will be a learning experience I’m sure
  7. Thanks for the all the input guys it’s much appreciated
  8. Hello there everyone, I’m in the process of trying to decide on the best set of armor that will fit my body. I’m 5’11 and weigh about 290,I’m in the process of losing weight but it’s a slow grind. I have looked at the armor comparison thread and many other threads while trying to decide. My question is will most sets of armor look the same on most body types or is there armor that looks better than others on a heavier body type. I’m interested in a kit from RS props but also also looked at threads about altmanns armor. Would either kit look just as good as the other on a guy my size? Thanks for everyone’s input, it’s much appreciated.
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