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PFD Recruit
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Everything posted by Gooseman77

  1. Sorry can't get pictures to load correctly. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  2. Lid off Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  3. Hopefully in the right direction. Lol Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  4. Kitup attempt three at pictures orientation. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  5. Kit up Hopefully pic in right orientation Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  6. Updates on blaster belt Trailered jumpsuit Hopefully ready to submit Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  7. That looks sick. Must grab the game when out.. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  8. Final clearance pics. Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  9. With a local Star wars costume group... Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  10. More work detailing my DLT-20a and my first costume Troop in my completed Biker Scout Sent from my ONEPLUS A6013 using Tapatalk
  11. Spotted my other replacement cumberband had six ribs. Must have been s old CRL spec from chef. So altered my original cumberband to fit better . And the sagging in my holster boot, is now sorted. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  12. I've got a better system for holding my holster/boot up as it was slightly sagging with the blaster weight. Now sorted... Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  13. Hold out blaster Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  14. Cheers for heads up hold out blaster isn't weathered posted a WIP pictures on the blaster
  15. New clearance pics Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  16. I did but the ribs were 6 to the old CRL now it's 5 So I reverted to the one had originally. Now its sorted... Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  17. Fantastic.. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  18. Ok just checking. Thanks Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  19. Is there any reference/pictures if TB lids with fans in I'm contemplating outing two fans in my lid. Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  20. Excellent Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  21. Thanks. Can I ask if I'm anywhere near the level to submit for clearance ??? Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  22. Test pic with new cumberband. And yes to resize pouches Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  23. New pics with the new cumberband Will address pouches asap Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  24. Yup agreed. Was made for a taller person the replacement is better fitting to my size I'll post a pic tonight when I do the kit up Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
  25. I believe it's within these dimensions Sent from my ONEPLUS A5000 using Tapatalk
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