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Gertjan Kool

501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Gertjan Kool

  1. There is in total 5 blasters per class. You can't customize the blaster you start with and the last 4 blasters you can. I chose to ''ignore'' the customization aspect for the TL-50, because of the detail conflicts it might bring and keep it simple by just focusing on the unmodded/standard version. Doesn't mean we couldn't include those variations though.
  2. Exactly! I realized this when I was starting this project. So I had to do research and brainstorm the requirements as well as the level 2 ones. I think it would be a great addition to the arsenal since it's evident that it has affinity with the E-11 and an E-22 blaster rifle.
  3. The why comes later in the description. - The TL-50 is an upgraded version model of the Heavy repeater blaster. - Manufactured by the Empire. - Used in the Empire, more specifically in the inferno Squad. Notable users: Iden Versio from the Inferno Squad. - Affinity with the E-22 Blaster Rifle and the E-11, such as the sterling plastic grip and lever. Side note: Blaster has appeared in the Jedi Outcast game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyCJJE0JlEQ&ab_channel=MouseSentinelMouseSentinel So it seems logical to have this weapon in addition solely for the Heavy class since the Empire needed more firepower and the rate of fire. In Legends I believe that the E-11 was once again upgraded, because they needed more firepower. But thanks for the tip! I've edited the post and the format looks more polished this way.
  4. Introduction I chose the unmodded/standard TL-50 version because this would be the starting point whereupon you upgrade it with the available mods in-game. And, therefore for convenience sake and to avoid any complex detail conflicts regards to the front barrel. Doesn't mean the blaster is customizable which could always be a decision made later on the discussion process. The other 3 customization modifications according to Battlefront 2 are: Extended Barrel For Reduced Fire Spread Power Cell for Improved Cooling Secondary Reinforced Casing I would like to get your feedback and/or your support for this proposal. It not only shows that there is a demand, but also an opportunity for fans from Battlefront 2 and even the Jedi Outcast game to introduce this blaster into the Shoretrooper Heavy CRL. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL-50 Heavy Repeater The TL-50 Heavy Repeater, is a fully-automatic Imperial Heavy Blaster capable of discharging storms of red-colored blaster bolts. The weapon's frame contained cooling vents housed around the barrels, two horizontal tubes underneath the weapon connected the front of the rifle to the dark-green stock. Stock is dark-olive green. Flat or semi-gloss black. Blaster is moderately weathered. Based on Sterling plastic grip. Stock resembles the M1 and M14 Garand. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Based on M1 and M14 Garand Rear Sight. Based on M1 and M14 Garand Front Sling Swivel. Lever is the same style as the S&T Airsoft sterling. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparison Pictures Detail Evaluation - Prop -> Battlefront 2 In-game Screenshots Barrel Gas Tank + Rear Sight Left Side View Right Side View Top Barrel Greeblies Left Side View Grip Right Side View Grip Stock ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWII Counter Part M1 Garand M14 Garand Sling Swivel (Front Sling Swivel) Based on M1 and M14 Garand Rear Sight Based on M1 and M14 Garand ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shoretrooper Heavy wielding a TL-50 Heavy Repeater Why should this be added to the Shoretrooper Heavy CRL? - The TL-50 is an upgraded version model of the Heavy repeater blaster. - Manufactured by the Empire. - Used in the Empire, more specifically in the inferno Squad. Notable users: Iden Versio from the Inferno Squad. - Affinity with the E-22 Blaster Rifle and the E-11, such as the sterling plastic grip and lever. - Blaster has appeared in the Jedi Outcast game https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyCJJE0JlEQ&ab_channel=MouseSentinelMouseSentinel - Blaster fits within the Heavy Class CRL (such as the ''Heavy'' costume CRL's) So it seems logical to have this weapon in addition solely for the Heavy class, since the Empire needed higher firepower. Detail Description: Quote: ''The TL-50 Heavy Repeater, is a fully-automatic Imperial Heavy Blaster capable of discharging storms of red-colored blaster bolts. The weapon's frame contained cooling vents housed around the barrels, two horizontal tubes underneath the weapon connected the front of the rifle to the dark-green stock'' Source: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/TL-50_Heavy_Repeater Recemblance of the M1 and or M14 Garand: Quote: ''Another blaster made canon from the Jedi Knight games of the now obsolete Expanded Universe, the Imperial TL-50 repeater is the second primary weapon included in the "Death Star" expansion. As with the Bryar, it can be charged up to fire a powerful bolt with a small radius of splash damage. Although most of the blaster is fictional in design, it appears to have the rear half of yet another Sterling receiver tube, with the rear sight cowling of a M1 Garand or M14 added to it. Coincidentally, its design does somewhat evoke that of the automatic shotgun from Wolfenstein: The New Order'' Source: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Talk:Star_Wars_Battlefront Pictures can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/jna072czs5o867g/AADGgopzd__z8gtV01dwP3tga?dl=0 My TL-50 Heavy Repeater 3D Files are available. Approved Pathfinders can private message me for the 3D Files in order to download them. @BikerScout007
  5. I've inspected the Imperial Arms DLT-19x, and it will do fine for the 501st spec approval. The T-tracks are present on the barrel, the ejection port cover is present, but If your goal is to also go for the level 2 requirements, then I'm not so sure about the ''small disk on the left side''. It seems slightly exaggerated. Still reckon that it wouldn't be that huge of an issue, as long as it is only present on the left side of the blaster. And, also it misses a red line surround the scope (make sure to include the red line for basic approval) Imperial Arms DLT-19x DLT-19x (visual guide reference)
  6. Weird.... To me they show up. I'll send you the pics privately!
  7. Wrap up for this first version of my Specialist Shorry! Next version is going to be all about going for level 2 Vanguard. To be continued...
  8. Thanks! You have to see it in person. These pictures doesn't do justice! My technique is to let it sit there, collecting dust and then cover it with matt varnish. The dust would then be permanently ''glued'' onto the surface to create an authenic old piece of weaponry. (I wish I had documented my process from 3D print to final)
  9. Would this blaster be added to the current Mountain Trooper CRL?
  10. Looks great man! Love the detail!
  11. For starters, Sean files are free, but it requires modifications. On the other hand Mr Paul files are the way to go in terms of accuracy, but you can get the same accuracy (to a certain degree) when you make modifications to the Sean files. Personally I have both versions and the Nico Henderson Helmet files. I bought the Mr. Paul files, because I wanted to donate to the charity and I was curious and wanted to compare. It seems that Sean Files misses a majority of details and some details needed to be altered, but still approvable. My armor kits are from Sean files and some parts made by Paul, but also some modified and altered parts were made by me using Fusion360 3D program (to make armor parts from scratch)
  12. The E-5C Heavy Blaster Repeater is done modeling. Just need to 3D print it for pictures! I've used the reference pictures from the actual Battlefront 2 blaster designer who happen to have made them. Here are my suggested requirements for this blaster: Basic Requirements: - Moderately weathered - The stock has a brown-ish color and a metallic end part - The grip should have one disk at each side and a buckle attachment at the bottom - The main body should have a lip and on the first stage a rounded off section, both present on the right side - The back barrel should have in total three groove indents, one at the back and two at the front. - The front barrel should have eight rows of five slotted cuts - The nozzle should have eight rows of one slotted cuts - The middle scope connector have two socket screws Level 2 Requirements: - The metallic end part should have a shark fin pattern at each corner - The grip should have one screw located above the two screws, only on the wearers right side
  13. Looks good! You've been very busy! I use Dropbox for posting all my pictures on this forum. It's a free software that allows you to store pictures, documents and such.
  14. Yes, will do! Unfortunately it's dark outside in the Netherlands. Could you give me the time till tomorrow (GMT+1:00) to make the picture, please?
  15. I'm looking forward to it as well as the Officer CRL!
  16. @ScaryGuy Okay, the pouches hangs a bit higher now.
  17. Pouches hangs too low wouldn't be too bad right? If I compare it to the Shoretrooper Grunt source material, those bags hangs also too low
  18. @ScaryGuy @BikerScout007 What do you think of this?
  19. I am going to make a picture of the whole costume first. And then proceed from there.
  20. @BikerScout007 @ScaryGuy The ammo pouches sits a bit higher now. Resulting in the criss cross pattern overlapping each other. The criss cross folds are tighter now, but it looks decent in my opinion. I'm afraid that without straps it would be more flimsy and heavier. As of now, it already feels really heavy wearing the two of them. So without straps, I can imagine that it would make it akward.
  21. I've been very busy with almost everything!
  22. @ScaryGuy It's just bad dressing up. I fixed the cross section. I just need to adjust it by flipping the straps/folding it back in place. This looks decent
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