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Everything posted by PhilBobTheFish

  1. Are your thermal detonator caps concave? Won't affect basic though, just lancer.
  2. One of the vendors on there who sells easy kits at a relatively low price would be Studio Creations. They are fairly accurate and ship quickly. Here's a link: https://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html
  3. Here ya go!
  4. Helmet looks great in my personal opinion, but I will let the more experienced chime in on matters.
  5. Only one thing I notice with it... it's too good.
  6. LET'S GET READY TO PRINT STUFF! (Hehehe... ) (I am following both builds, and can't wait to see how each turns out, seeing as 3D printed armor is relatively new in armor. Good luck!)
  7. Soooo, they said tomorrow was "Scout day" on facebook. Now I feel like a kid on Christmas morning waiting for tomorrow to finally arrive. So close to seeing that sweet RS TB Scout armor looks like... (My happy dance)
  8. Unrelated to the topic, but that second picture is super cool.
  9. I think he is saying that with 100% infill, it will be way more rigid and likely to snap or break. Like how abs is flexible so that it doesn't break when bent a little. With less infill, it will be more flexible and print faster.
  10. Just looking at the two pictures above and the CRL, the round greeblie looks to be in the wrong place.
  11. Looking good Scott. I am following this thread now, SO DON'T LET ME DOWN! Hehehe. Good job.
  12. Keyword... "eventually". Hehehe, just kidding. Can't wait.
  13. I mean, technically the armor is screen accurate, just maybe not the other stuff.
  14. I am going to add on to what 762s said. The soles on Imperial Boots are different from the origional boot soles. The slots and spaces are different (like 762s stated), and can't really be modified easily to make them look like the screen used boots, like needed for Lancer. Rs: And origional: Also the bone stitching and bone position look a little off, but that's not as important as the soles.
  15. It seems to be missing the hip plates as well as the greebling on the legs.
  16. Here ya go. http://happytrooper.com/?p=5594
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