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Everything posted by PhilBobTheFish

  1. Probably something like this...
  2. That's what i believe as well, but since alot of the other stuff is stormtrooper you don't really know. But the angle of the knee and overall shape look a lot like shore trooper.
  3. Well, i don't believe they have kidney plates, and it could just be shadows covering the left's ab plate (you can see how the right side of the right scout's ab plate is phased out of existence because of some shadows). Also, i just noticed that the left scouts chest and back plate are connected with white strapping, like on a scout trooper, and they seem to be wearing shin armor (based of a slight difference in color and texture on both scout's legs) which could be stormie or shore trooper. Also, on both scouts, just based off the silhouettes, it appears that they are wearing stormtrooper thighs with ammo boxes, but either in a deep shadow or painted black. (You can also kind of see the shins) My bad, i don't know how to make images bigger.
  4. Because of the lack of armor in scout armor, there aren't really many restrictions when it comes to size. There are smaller and larger helmets, but most armor is around the same and isn't really affected by body type. Although I have read that WTF, Altman, and Chef make slightly larger scouts. Take at look at this:
  5. The ab plate also looks stormtrooper-like, because the dark spots look like the buttons on the ab plate.
  6. Alright! Gloves are always a good thing to get out of the way! Good luck on the rest of your build, I can't wait to see how it turns out.
  7. Feel like I've seen this maker pop up in other threads fairly recently. I agree that it looks 100% recast of yours, and also good luck on resolving the matter.
  8. Great job man!
  9. To me it just looks like the bottom edge of the chest piece broke and is pinched under the cummberbund. But hey, that's just a theory, a Star Wars theory.
  10. Nice job on the belt! It is looking great so far.
  11. Oof! That's CucBlack! Well, hopefully you got FedEx shipping. Also, follow BikerScout007's advice. The helmet will need to be assembled like an original one. So that means glueing, bonding, filling, sanding, more sanding, maybe more filling, some sanding, painting, cutting, screwing, fitting, glueing, painting, and final look overs. Don't let that overwhelm you!
  12. With the usual quality from RS, Lancer should be an easy one for you. Unless something turns out drastically wrong.
  13. The belt is held together with 2" velcro on the back. If you are talking about the hip boxes, there is a buckle on the front and the back straps, which you can connect to the belt using velcro or snaps.
  14. The belt and knees are different than MC looking at the pictures, but the rest is very similar to MC.
  15. I knew I was getting flashbacks to another thread! http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/19776-new-biker-scout-in-the-process-of-afprops/
  16. It looks fine for approval. Who is the maker?
  17. Will just say congratulations. 'Nuf said.
  18. You can just put Velcro on the inside of the piece and on the elastic so that it is removable. Glueing it would also work, but it would never be adjustable.
  19. RS released a video today which, at the beginning, showcases their first prototype Red Label helmet. Here it is. All in all I think it looks pretty good.
  20. Congrats on Lancer.
  21. I know right! I am just beat from all this work I've done! In all seriousness, nice job on the shoulders and forearms. Can't wait to see this all come together.
  22. I agree that it would be a cool thing to see this blaster in the CRL.
  23. Welcome! I can't wait to see how the RS Scout Trooper comes out. The best place for the DLT-20a would be here: http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/forum/74-biker-scout-weapons/ Make sure you read the Getting Started page and ask lots of questions. Good luck!
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