So here is a "How i did it, and how does it look?"
As I got the idea from another scout, i traced a pair of jeans over my inside-out flight suit. One leg was traced at a time due to the pants not lining up right in the groin area. After sewing both legs I ended up taking the sewed line out a half inch on both legs. The half inch runs from my hip bone to mid thigh (top of pants butt pocket to about 2 inches below the pocket). you can see i measured a concave swoop from the white band to the pants, it should have been more straight to convex. it's almost like my body is a roundish 3-D shape... weird 😅
For the sleeves I was a smidgen lazier. I measured a straight line one inch from the edge of the fabric, this runs from the wrist cuff to 3 1/2 inches from the armpit. for the armpit i just curved the line to the existing seam/joint without overlapping it. Sewing it was pretty simple.
And so here is how it turned out... anyone see areas to fix?
Next time i get free time I'll be doing the riding patch, elastic, and butt flap.