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Everything posted by SeaWaffles

  1. Thank you both! They are sticker decals, that's one less thing i have to worry about pup hair getting into
  2. Is it recommended to clear coat the helmet with the decals on, or apply them after the coat? I have a WTF bucket w/decals if it matters
  3. So here is a "How i did it, and how does it look?" As I got the idea from another scout, i traced a pair of jeans over my inside-out flight suit. One leg was traced at a time due to the pants not lining up right in the groin area. After sewing both legs I ended up taking the sewed line out a half inch on both legs. The half inch runs from my hip bone to mid thigh (top of pants butt pocket to about 2 inches below the pocket). you can see i measured a concave swoop from the white band to the pants, it should have been more straight to convex. it's almost like my body is a roundish 3-D shape... weird 😅 For the sleeves I was a smidgen lazier. I measured a straight line one inch from the edge of the fabric, this runs from the wrist cuff to 3 1/2 inches from the armpit. for the armpit i just curved the line to the existing seam/joint without overlapping it. Sewing it was pretty simple. And so here is how it turned out... anyone see areas to fix? Next time i get free time I'll be doing the riding patch, elastic, and butt flap.
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  4. Awesome tutorial, and I didn't break any of the wife's needles this time I recommend using starch and ironing the shirt bits before using them for a pattern. I ended up tracing the shirt onto thicker fabric. Also I ended up using some felt squares that come in a variety of colors ( about $0.40 each and they do have black) Attached below is how I padded the sleeve with the felt pads, three felt pads can make both sleeves if the 'wings' for both arms are from one pad. Also, I found the easiest way for me to attach the sleeves was to lay the bust of the fest on the table with the sleeve circled up in the sleeve hole.. it looks similar to how a child drops their coat on the floor taking it off (or sloughing it off their arms). Then all i had to do was pin the shoulder and arms hole/circle and sew. I do have some cleaning up to do on the final vest, as it turns out I was a little sloppy tracing the bust of the shirt material and my chest swims in it a bit. If i make this again i will use a heavier shirt and just make the sleeves with different material. And use black felt, i had a few spots where the sewing machine pulled red fiber with the thread.
  5. Awesome idea tracing jeans to tailor the flight suit!! I'm out here on the remote coast line where a good tailor costs more than the rest of the flight suit.. did you tailor the top by tracing a sweater?
  6. Hey, I uploaded the copy I have in my google drive. (downloaded it last month). https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-BNBzV0EZtnGV4GlneB6cwK-4h_B030O should work for now
  7. Yep! that's what i have and it has been fairly easy to modify. For reference I ordered a size 40, i'm about 150 lbs and 71 inches tall. they fit pretty good but i'll definitely have to get the arms and legs tailored for lancer.
  8. Nice job on the bund!! belt needs to come up, its almost hiding your cod crescent. Check out Chopper's comment in this thread for a solid answer. (I ordered mine and am not approved yet so my advice is technically invalid )
  9. Clips came in today... here is another coupon
  10. I'm 5' 10" and I have been looking at ways to modify my WTF torso bits to fit better... I'm a skinny guy as well. if you post in the trade forum there might be a someone that is willing to swap parts.
  11. Thanks for the coupon as well!! looks like it works more than once
  12. Has anyone purchased suede off amazon? Not sure if i should take the risk or just do a day trip over Tandy. Amazon REED Leather Hides
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