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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Diadem

  1. I thankfully found a member on here selling his ready-to-wear, and currently approved armor. Worked out a good deal, so thank you guys again for steering me clear of the original stuff I was looking into.
  2. Thanks guys! I appreciate your words of wisdom. Will keep looking.
  3. Hello, I'm still deciding on whom to get my armor from, and I know the guys in the vendor list check out, but I was wondering if this set of armor looks good? The price is right on it, so I wanted to ask here before I ordered. Yes, I know it also comes down to fit and finish as well. But, bare minimum, does it look like it will pass? 15 Photos: http://s452.photobucket.com/user/diadembrand/library/ Thank you! Brian
  4. I just saw the link above to the list, so disregard... unless you have an updated list. My other question still stands
  5. I'd like to get that vendor list as well. Also, are any of you familiar with a vendor out of Mexico? The biz name's initials are LBC. Seems like a good set of armor for a decent price.
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