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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Diadem

  1. Going to try to make it. It's a 5 hour drive for me, but it'll be worth it.
  2. Thanks Chopper! Will do. I'll get all the angles when I'm ready to submit for approval.
  3. While I have everyone's attention, how's this looking so far. It's just mocked up, still need to add some Velcro here and there. Need to change anything? Thanks again.
  4. Here's how my cummerbund and pouches came from the maker, with Velcro already sewn on. I'm going to sew the other side of the Velcro to the flightsuit just inside where the chest armor overlaps, but do I attach the pouches to the back side of the cummerbund to fold over it like this? Thank you, Brian
  5. Thanks. Are the 2 straight stitches across your cod just to help line up, or another purpose?
  6. Just been reading through this post... ... and I think I found my answers about the cod.
  7. Just about ready to submit for approval. Gotta get my helmet bolts flush, and this bit of Velcro figured out. I bought all the soft goods custom made. They came with Velcro pre-sewn on the top and strap. Where do I attach the mating Velcro parts to? The belt, the cummerbund... ? Also, the cummerbund has 2 strips of Velcro sewn inside. I assume that gets attached to flightsuit, just help keep it up, right? Thanks! Brian.
  8. Thanks, that's what I figured but didn't want to cut it before knowing for sure.
  9. I just got the real deal bolts on eBay for $7 shipped.
  10. Do I notch out a square in my helmet for these bolts to pass through, or should I grind the square on the bolt down? Thanks! Brian
  11. I got the helmet second hand, pre-finished, and they're just what's on it already. I'll probably swap them out, but if I don't happen to get around to it will that hinder approval? Thank you.
  12. Reading the updated CRL, for the helmet... Are the Magic Sliders still good to use? I know they won't meet Lancer requirements, but for basic? Thanks! Brian
  13. How long did it take for your order to get to you, and how good is the fit? You satisfied with everything? I ordered my complete soft parts set from him. They shipped 6 days ago. I know I've probably got a few weeks to go until they get here.
  14. I'm no expert, but I would assume the Inter Sierra boots, and Esprit gloves are a good start.
  15. Thanks Chopper! Hopefully it doesn't come to having to replace it. That's a big piece!
  16. I recently bought this completed armor from a member on here. It's SC armor with KS helmet (I believe), and is currently approved for him, but it needs some adjusting, cleaning up, and one part needs repaired before I can submit for approval. See the green tape on the shoulder? The armor is completely broken across there. I've got Gorilla Glue drying right now with the tape holding it together, but I know it won't hold as is. I was thinking of getting some more plastic (like a for sale sign or something), and gluing a strip to the underside of it. Do you guys have any different ideas? Am I screwed? 😅 Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Brian PS: the bridge is going to get narrowed substantially. I don't think I'll be able to shoot for Lancer right off the bat, but I'm going to try to do most of the level 2 stuff.
  17. Yes, I followed cheesewhoopy's tutorial. The Velcro closures are correct, and cheesewhoopy said to use brown thread, and showed a screencap from the movie showing the thread being brown.
  18. I darkened the cuts in the soles to kinda weather those areas.
  19. Hey all, been working on these. First time doing anything like it. Does this look ok so far? Still need to sew the tubes, and nothing's totally in place yet. Toe vinyl's glue is still drying, nothing else glued down yet. Will weather after all is in place. Are my sole cuts too extreme or ok? Any advice is welcomed, and appreciated. Thanks! - Brian
  20. This is brilliant.
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