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501st Pathfinder
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About TwistedZen

  • Birthday 04/16/1988

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    Old Line Garrison
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  1. But then I have to use something from Fortnite, which might break my soul. Buuuuuttttt...thank you.
  2. I went through the giant thread of sound files, but I didn't see anything like that. Plenty of other stuff to use though. Here is the thread if anyone else is interested. https://www.501st.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=28538
  3. I thought someone had posted a link to a sound file to use for a "bagged" Grogu from season 1, but I cannot seem to find it. Web searches have turned up loops, but the sound effects have maybe a 1 second pause in between. Thanks in advance.
  4. I am usually the one getting help, so I am glad to help others
  5. @Pledford @AradunFF The video is still processing, but it should be up in a little while. A bit of a rush job, but it should do. https://youtu.be/_5mTWXoZV-s
  6. If I got time tonight I could probably do that.
  7. @Pledford That is the 35". Everything fits just right https://www.homedepot.com/p/Husky-35-in-Rolling-Tool-Box-222167/205053257
  8. I ended up putting 3M Dual Lock "velcro" in the top and on the headband. It is all one type and interlocks instead of hook and loop. Shout out to @spyder918 for the help. https://imgur.com/a/dQvjnHn <-full album and further description
  9. So I purchased the helmet headband kit from kwdesigns/Imperial Surplus to put in my Altman. I previously had a non-adjustable hardhat band that was ok but I definitely wanted something easily adjustable. The problem is, the headband doesn't fit perfectly in the Altman helmet. I though it would line up with the bolt holes, but nope! It was suggested that I drill a hole just next to the bolt hole and put another on in the headband itself to attach it that way. Anyone else have the same setup and have any dos or don'ts before I start drilling away?
  10. https://www.flyboys.com/helmetbagjumbo.html https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0747ZPMG2/ @Chopper might have some suggestions too.
  11. The boots are in there. The helmet is in a separate bag. I had a motorcycle helmet bag, but I just picked up a flight helmet bag because it's got a long strap on it. Plus Velcro for patches.
  12. So I might be traveling a bit with my helmet and I was wondering what people use for a padded helmet bag or hard sided case? I have a motorcycle helmet bag now, which has a little bit of padding, but not enough to really protect it well. It is fine to and from troops, but that is about it. Air travel is a bit different, something I could use as a carry-on would be perfect
  13. The inside is not cracked, it looks like just the paint. It is only about a year old, with maybe a dozen troops under it. I don't tighten the bolts too much either, for this exact reason.
  14. I have had my Altman for a while, but the top of visor near the bolt is cracking a bit. I am just wondering the best way to fix this and maybe prevent it (as best I can). Thanks!
  15. So the one I got is...gross. Any ideas for cleaning and dyeing? Any particular dye brands/colors I should go for?
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