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This is the CRL pulled for reference from the IOC. Green bold are my highlights. Officer Boots Knee-high, black, lace-less, smooth non-textured, leather or leather-like material. Rubber is not acceptable. PVC or synthetic material is allowed as long as it gives the appearance of leather. There are no stretch panels, buckles, snap tabs, or decoration. Boots have conservative heels. If zippers are present, they are hidden on the inner part of the boot shaft. Not visible from the front, side or back. The top of the boots may be flat or Spanish Style, but not Cowboy or Super Hero (pointed at the front) style. OPTIONAL Level two certification (if applicable): Boots do not have a zipper. OPTIONAL Level three certification (if applicable): Boots are made of leather. Not vinyl or PVC. Exact replicas of English riding (dress) boots or Equestrian boots. All of this said, when we do go back and start working to update/modify for level 2, it may be in our best interests for the sake of consistency across the various costumes to actually integrate these standards for the patrol trooper...but that is a discussion for a later time
Everyone! Lets welcome @Spiel as the Legion-First Patrol Trooper!! Congrats, and Well Done!!
The Patrol Trooper from the recent Solo movie is now live. This costume is ready for GML approval.
We are just working out some last second tweaks, and then we will get back in touch
It has been a busy work week, so I figured I would check in here and see if we had any updates regarding the Wiki uploads. The LMO team has recommended that we get the basics for Lvl 1 solidified, and then work on Lvl 2+ prior to submitting the CRL for final review/approval. That being said, I think that if we update the existing wording to include some of the finer details I discussed with Spiel as probably being better off as Lvl 1, we can make Lvl 2+ much simpler with things such as specific weathering patterns, S type rubber helmet gaskets, and jacket/pants materials. That being said, if we would prefer to reengage on this at a later date when we have more resources available to see better details, such as HD video release, that is also an option...
No worries! This is my first NTTL CRL review for the LMO as well, but I have done GML duties before and have a little insight as to what they look for. If there is anything I can do to help make sure it passes the review, please let me know!
Might be painted black? Is this a requirement or a possible color suggestion? Do we have references of it being painted black inside? Most of this seems like it should be lvl 1 basic as part of the armor design. I didn't see much that was something that would need to really be considered lvl 2... A few reminders when working to create a CRL: - Avoid using measurements or what materials are being used to build. Again, it is not a "how to" - Try and avoid the "shalls" in the final edit. - Do not include "Painted XYZ color" in the CRL. Again, this is not a "how to" guide. If they want that, they will have to come to the forums and get the details from us directly. - Lvl 2+ are more exclusive to the screen used costumes and methods of their builds. As an example, the TKs have 2 ways of creating many of their overlaping parts, but only 1 method is approved for lvl2+. Additionally, the trim used on their helmets is similarly more specific than the basic U trim, and is Lvl 2+. Everything you mentioned would definitely do some good in the CRL as more specific and in depth details for lvl 1 basic approval, but would need to be fine-tuned to make it seem like less of a how-to guide for instruction. Good Job!
Speaking of lvl 2 reviews, we need to start locking down what we want those lvl 2+ requirements will be so we can get this sucker green lit! Do we have anything new we want to add or modify that should be discussed?
Gents let's be careful here...this CRL has NOT been grown lit yet, and needs to be maintained on the unofficial wiki, not the live "showroom floor" until approved by the LMO team. Additionally, please refrain from sharing this as an approved reference until given the final go ahead from the head LMO, Todd. If you have any questions, please let me know
I must have missed that earlier on in the thread. No worries! They use screws for mounting. I will try and get some pics of mine and upload it. In the mean time... https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/29238-my-helmet-ear-tutorial/ This language was taken verbatim from our Scout Trooper CRL. It hasn't proven to be problematic so far, and I like the CRLs to have commonalities. My thought is for weathering to be optional for Level 1 and mandatory for Level 2. by removing it from lvl completely and leaving it under a lvl 2 requirement, you effectively take away the GML ability to shoot it down altogether, and force them to refer to either the detachment or the LMO for approval. GMLs are only authorized to approve lvl 1. This will allow the DL and LMO to make this call, and not a GML with a potential grudge Not sure what you mean by the square segments. Do you have a suggestion for that? the buttons in the same black section as the green button. Just a little blurp about how many there should be Done. The Ab back language was taken directly from the Death Trooper, as the pieces are the same. I've added in some fitment language. Honestly this whole thing should be combined into just "Ab armor" as it seems to be just one piece. Be careful pulling from CRLs from other detachments. It can cause a false sense of security with applicants who are following similar patterns when a different requirement pops up between the two CRLs. As an example, look at the JRS Reserve Tie pilot, and the IOC Bridge crew. There are almost no differences, but if you try to apply with the wrong gloves, you could be in trouble and be denied. That being said, I agree that this particular requirement can probably stay as it is with the DT CRL. This description was taken verbatim from the Shoretrooper CRL, as the two pieces are identical. I only changed the colors. But I did move the "flush sides" to Level 2 consideration. For the sake of uniformity, I'd say we just leave it as is. That way we don't have Shoretroopers and Patrol Troopers with different standards. I agree completely. Leave it as is to prevent problems. The toe area of the boot needs to be painted (or wrapped) white. There is no armor piece over the toe, so the black would be exposed otherwise. The only armor is the bit around the heel and the "dogbone" Interesting...Maybe the picture referenced has the same sort of wrap on it. My biggest concern with this is going to be bringing those boots to a shine. I can tell you from personal experience, you don't wear those kind of boots in the military and NOT make them shine and show your reflection! All in all, good work and great ideas! The Wiki has been updated to have a slot for a patrol trooper, so please start those uploads!
Alright. Lets get this thing reviewed one last time before we pass it up to the LMO team on the wiki. If possible, can we blow up the images a little in order to show more specifically what we are calling out as requirements on the slightly harder to see areas, as well as get a bit of clarity/modification on the sections below... These are just a few of my observations. Please feel free to comment on agree/disagreements. Helmet - It says two toned, but then mentions 3 color requirements - Remove the extra words from the trapezoid explanation and just stick with the trapezoids on the dome... - Combine the outline with the previous block, or explain in the line what is being outlined - Do we know for a fact that the lens is only green, or are we willing to throw in a black/green option similar to other CRLs, and make the "green only" a lvl 2+? - When looking at the trim going back to the trapezoids, are we looking at it just for length, or for the slant of the cut as well so it looks more uniform? possibly a lvl 2+ addition to consider... - Ear construction material specifics may need to be broadened for lvl 1, and rivets or other more specific construction methods be upgraded to lvl 2+ Pants - Consider adding that the pants be "neatly pressed" to the appearance. It is becoming a hot-ticket issue with many of the cloth costume items that they are starting to look more and more like they have been sitting in someones car all bunched up and nasty. "Neatly pressed" requires a bit more care in making a good presentation, and makes the member accountable. Also, think about biker cops in RL. They tend to look pretty clean cut, and not excessively baggy/trashy. I would consider taking away the "slightly weathered" context from the armor descriptions entirely. It leaves a lot of room for abuse/misinterpretation. Handplates - Consider adding that over-palm elastic strapping methods (such as what many do with TK handplates) are not permitted Chest Armor - Consider adding how many square segments there are on the chest near the green greeblie. - Is the oblong black circle supposed to be on the wearers left or right? The CRL says on the right, but it is clearly on the wearers left in the attached image. - Remove the .5 inch requirement or have it bumped to lvl 2+ - Do the buckles need to be functional? Please indicate this in the CRL, and if so, consider adding it to lvl 2+ Ab front - Remove "shall" and replace it with something more generous in measurement. "Shall" indicates a specific exact measurement. If we are looking for exact, it will need to be lvl 2+. - Insert "approximately" before the 10 diagonal stripes. Consider adding "evenly spaced" Ab back - The front has an approximate measurement of how far down it is supposed to go. Consider adding something similar for the back plate over the Ab rear. Backplate - I would consider making the "flush sides" of the chest and back plate to be a lvl 2+ requirement. This will allow people to adjust the size of the chest plate to be tighter or more lose depending on body size/build type. - Does the backing of any of the greeblies need to be solid and painted, or can they be left open and meshed over similar to air vents on helmets? - Same questions as before...do the buckles need to be functional? Belt - Can the boxes be functional, or sealed? - Remove the "cell phone case" reference. We will need to find a better way to describe this...possibly just approximate dimensions of the box itself. Boots - Consider making the painted toe portion a lvl 2+ requirement considering there is supposed to be an armor segment covering it anyway - Make the spanish cut tops lvl2+ (good call!) Baton - I would give the baton the option of being metal or another material. (Several events will not permit a metal baton to be carried as a prop as it would still technically be considered a real weapon, and many of our members work to avoid that interpretation)
Posting up for the LMO team to initially review now. Also @BikerScout007do you have access to the wiki to start the uploads?
I will be needing something to do all winter while i am stuck indoors out here at Minot...Let it be building a PT!! (ID pending)
The more I see this thing, the more I WANT TO GET IT DONE SO I CAN HAS ONE!!! Nerd rant over...
Thought I had logged into the wrong site. Glad to see it up and running!
I would maybe word it to allow a minimum number of the lines when standing to allow some "wiggle room" for the taller troopers. Again, we are working to remove the exacting details from lvl 1. The specific number and length can be lvl 2+
As an LMO, I can assure this is EXACTLY what the LMO team will say to EVERY new CRL that passes our way for approval. If you want more specific details, they need to be lvl 2 or 3
Could the specific materials used be a lvl 2 requirement? Do we have plans for lvl 2?
We cannot reserve the PT tag specifically, and designations are at the discretion of the LMO team, but I will see what I can do when we are ready to submit a finished product.
That wont happen until we are ready for submission. I will ping the others on the LMO team to see if we can reserve it
I can almost guarantee they (we) will recommend placing it on lvl 2. Level 1 is just for seeking basic approval regarding the appearance of being screen used, where as lvl 2 and up are meant to be more exacting to the actual materials used. Also keep in mind that they will be looking more towards proportions of fit as opposed to exact measurements, so please try to keep those to a minimum.
You guys keep making more and more progress on this, and I will have no choice than to make this my next build!
I dont think anything Lego could ever be considered cannon...even if they do have the license
I received this message today from a LMO friend... https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1999539597027773&id=1940676496247417
I spoke with the LMO team earlier, and this was the direction I was given regarding what will need to be done in order to get this approved. My comments are in Red 1. Review it carefully (the CRL) and ensure the references are adequate. Also ensure that what they are describing is in reference. (with this in mind, we will need better descriptions of a few parts) 2. They have the access and ability to create a CRL page on the wiki. Ask them if they have done that yet, or if they feel unable to. (LMK if you are having trouble here) 3. Once the CRL is in the wiki and is in a finished state, complete with pictures, gallery, etc. Then send the URL to lmo@501st.com for Todd's (LMO team lead) official approval and for others on the team to review it. (the more eyes we get on it, the easier it is to find things we may have missed or be otherwise biased to) 4. Make any adjustments required. 5. Once Todd green stamps it, then I do the database work. 6. Once that is done, announce on official forum thread. 7. Then announce to DL Lets get this thing uploaded and better pictures/details worked out so we can get it approved!