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501st Legion Member
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Everything posted by Tjeccles

  1. From everything I've seen about them on the forums makes it appear that more bars equal a higher rank but we're not entirely sure. Someone else might be able to give more detail.
  2. I don't think I'll be using the covers but thanks.
  3. Is it supposed to act like a vent?
  4. While drying out my gloves after washing them, I found the pouch on the inside of the forearm. Is that for any specific purpose or just how Wampa Wear gloves get made?
  5. I'm guessing wash on cold?
  6. Just what I wanted to hear! It definitely wasn't a clean water pipe
  7. I've done that. Is it possible to wash them? I'm not sure which pipe it was just hoping it wasn't sewage
  8. So the apartment above mine had a pipe burst and water got all over my apartment. My gloves were unfortunately in the splash zone. What's the best way to get them dry without having them shrink?
  9. Thanks. Only issue is very few manufacturers make 1/2 sizes past 12
  10. Thanks
  11. Do these for true to size?
  12. Wheat 1801. That's what Amazon had in my size
  13. What's the best way to paint the sole? And what's the best paint to use?
  14. Are these the right color? They're Kingshow Wheat soles off Amazon. They seem darker compared to the other photos on here.
  15. DSP is going to make an announcement after the final run is finished. I've been checking each day to see what the announcement is.
  16. I believe it's not an issue. The balaclava is more to keep skin from showing.
  17. Do the blaster vendors only sell the holdout blaster or do they sell the rifles as well?
  18. I've already learned my lesson of walking around in new boots all day. I don't want to experience that again if I don't have to. Just looking for the best way to go about breaking these in.
  19. I'm thinking of making my own boots, since costuming is expensive and I'm broke. If I break in the boots before putting the vinyl on, will I need to break them in again post vinyl?
  20. Does anyone wear their boots before putting the vinyl on to break in the boots? Or is it usually put the vinyl on straight out of the box?
  21. I've gotten involved with the Oklahoma Garrison already. So far the events I've been at with them, an armor party and an event as a handler, it's been all TKs. The GML told me to get involved on here since he didn't think any current members were working on or had completed TBs. I'll check again just to make sure.
  22. I can see the snout difference. Not seeing the visor angle but I am on my phone.
  23. That last picture of the Storm Commandos looks more like the comic cover for the Shadow Scout to me, especially compared to the picture right above it.
  24. Thanks, I'll probably start with regular Biker Scout then and get the Shadow kit later. Recognition makes sense, as more people have seen the movies. I read the context for the shadow scout and it said it was from one of the comics.
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