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Everything posted by kacrut

  1. Congratulation!! @fragarock solid build.
  2. For ABS paste.. you'll need: - Glass Jar, baby food glass jar should do fine - ABS Scrap.. cut to small pieces - I use Acetone.. be carefull the fume, its Nasty. Use Respirator and in a well ventilated area. - a small wooden stick, i use ice cream wooden stick to mixed cut the ABS scrap to small pieces put it in to a glass jar... be sure none of the dirt in the scrap. i use acetone to melt the ABS... take one or two tea spoon acetone( i just eye balling itπŸ˜…) close the jar.. wait 20 minute then mixed/stirring the ABS.. If you can see some ABS still not melt strirring it again.. put a bit Acetone if needed and if the mixed is too liquid, put some more ABS scrap and mixed it...and wait again.. need a consistency like a toothpaste and its done. Store it when not in use... after a while ABS paste can be too thick.. just use a bit Acetone again..mixed it well. Hope that help. Γ—sorry if my english is all over the placeπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ™πŸΌ
  3. M’um m’aloo... that's Jawas saying Hello.😁 Here's example if you're using ABS paste I'm using it for closed a hole on my back armor(Tank..bottom part), close the back side with masking tape.. .. .. i should apply the paste on the back side and masking tape on other side LOL.. waited about 2 day just to be sure the paste is harden for sanding. Hope that Help, ubanya(good day) Utini!
  4. Awesome start.. Nice faceplate and Visor placement. πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ™πŸΌ Oooh, don't forget to sanded a bit both the area before E6000πŸ™πŸΌ
  5. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ we got many greeaat teacher and threads here in forum😁 🀘🏼🀘🏼
  6. ...and it's Done. Thank you all for the help..i read many..many threads helmet, The forum are most valueble info..tips..tricks..how to, just take your time to read it, always remember to take your time to build, it is not A Race..it's A Marathon... also take notes, save picts from the forum. asked questions and there's no such thing is dumb/stupid questions regarding a build armor.. we all starts at zero level, Trooper helping Trooper.. I'm still learning to build armor.πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ€˜πŸΌ Thank you all. Pathfinder Lead the Way!!
  7. Continued with Chin cup and strap. Bend the 2mm ABS plate Using a heat gun. The Chin cup base are from MLC helmet. MLC chincup are big, so i cut to size Front side i use 1mm ABS plate, power glue+baking soda and some ABS paste. Then put the black elastic strap I manually drilled for the elastic strap... Sanded.. For Paint i use Samurai Paint White 102 and Samurai Primer Putty (KP1***) I use the primer KP1*** and spot putty because the helmet have many scratch and tiny inperfection/tiny holes from my build. But you could use a standart primer for paint Test fit 🀘🏼🀘🏼😁 2cm sponge.. i use TK template 🀦😁
  8. The Helmet side.. Since i moded the KS build with add some 'return edge' for the visor.. i have to add not one ...but three... Three... 3(1mm) and and one... 1(2mm) ABS plate Aaa..aaa...aa.. Glued with power glue and (again) Eppo putty. Ooh, before i drilled, i make sure that the visor+faceplate are in open position.. make sure that both R/L visor hole are straight... Honestly i just eye balling it.... its dificult at first... and second...third... the fourth,.. anywaaay. If you managed ..mark it..then drilled.
  9. For Bolt i change the 3D print with similar size flat head bolt.. glued with super glue and some eppo putty.. As you can see, the bolt not flushed wiyh the visor.. so i using a heat gun from the back side of visor..then i pushed the bolt down. I made several ..just incase i made a mistakes..😁 The Helmet... From inside view... Aligned the Faceplate with the Visor, also the curvature the top of the faceplate+visor.. clamp it or use a strong magnet ... adjust a bit.. marked with pencil.. be sure that Left and Right side are the same From inside view
  10. Hi .. sos sorry to late posts my build.. the KS helmet are already done, so here's my several picture of my build. My internet are going snails, so... going to take a while.. standby. πŸ˜πŸ€˜πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ Bolt and Nut I'm using @MrPoopie file as is no need to mod.. send it to my Garrison friend, he got 3D printer. Same size with my old MC helmet caped nut(white) And also the Snout from @MrPoopie file.. sanded a bit then some spot putty to hide the print lines, painted with Tamiya XF-20 because the KS stickers color are similar to XF-20 from Tamiya I remembered this.. Thanks to @BikerScout007 πŸ™πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ€˜πŸΌ I don't have airbrush.. you can see how thick is the paint, i strugle with several line brush LOL.. Aerator using mate black
  11. Here's my KS from side view Hope that helps...
  12. Yup, size small, .. the good thing is, the seller maybe don't know that gloves are use in the star wars film 😁... if the seller knew.. probably the writing are gonna be " Imperial Biker Scout gloves.. or Star wars Imperial Scout gloves.. 😁 I just remember when i read the Faceshield review on amazon maybe half of it are ...Great for my BikerScout Visor,... great for my mando shield helmet,...great for Capt Rex visor, etc LOL!
  13. Hello there... I just found this on ebay, but since i already have mine,... maybe someone here in forum need it... it's a Esprit BLACK Ladies Leather Gauntlet Motorcycle Gloves S - Vintag http:// http:// in descriptions its size S and pre-owned here's the link here's the link : https://www.ebay.com/itm/255966738760 Note: I don't know the seller.. so, just be carefull.
  14. Thanks for the reply @MrPoopiend @BikerScout007
  15. Hi guys, ... i just wondering, emm... any new plan for doing another Pathfinder Virtual armor party in 2023?. Thanks. Louis(DZ17026)
  16. Nice Solid Team. 🀘
  17. Welcome to the Forum,.. here's some of the link that you might wanted to look into http://www.501stpathfinders.com/scoutopedia.php http://forum.501stpathfinders.com/index.php?/topic/17305-lancer-build-tutorial/ Hopes that help,... just remember.. measure twice, cut once... slow and steady.. Goodluck with your build.. \m/
  18. Awesome!!... Thank you for sharing this tutorial here.
  19. Thanks for the Update. \m/
  20. Congratulations Lancer. \m/ \m/
  21. Congrats @BikerScout98🀘 .. For the Empire!!
  22. Congratz @JakeputtπŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ™πŸΌ and Thank youuu @ferra πŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ€˜πŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌ
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