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Everything posted by NCwerewolf

  1. Despite being a retired diesel mechanic and motorcycle wrencher, I do not own a pop rivet gun. Do me a favor and sound off with your preffered make and model (along with the proper ammo size I need to stock up on) so I can make a decision on which one to buy. It'll soon be time to start punching holes in stuff and I wanna make sure I get the right size rivets and whatnot. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  2. You got pics? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  3. Dude, this is amazing. I love watching WIP threads like this. As someone who wore body armor and kevlar helmets for a living for twenty years, I can say with authority that unless you were in the field for extended periods of time, our gear had to have minimal "weathering" or the chain of command would starting having kittens. Unless you are going for the "I've been living in a foxhole for the past three months" look, I would suggest being conservative wit the weathering. I'm sure the Empire is not very forgiving on inspections, lmao. That being said, I love the aforementioned wartime look. Once you finish this set, you may have to tell me what your time is worth for another. -wink- Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  4. Where'd you get yours? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. How's the dexterity compare between the two sets? You mentioned that the WW fingers are skinnier and more snug; do the Esprits feel clunkier? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  6. Replacing the dropboxes with the big pouches is a brilliant move, from an old infantryman's viewpoint. Lol Looks much more logical.
  7. I live and die with Mechanix brand gloves. I appreciate this heads up.
  8. Good info. I'm like a sponge right now, trying to learn everything I can before making my first foray into the world of cosplay ANYTHING and this is great info. I jump on any thread titled "Hard Expensive Lesson", lol. Thanks for taking the time to share and help other cadets out.
  9. Information overload!

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