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Everything posted by NCwerewolf

  1. The aforementioned positioning of the balaclava does make a slight difference, but I still need fans. Anyone have pics of their fan placement?
  2. Nice find, helps out a lot. I had a clip disappear during a con and have had trouble finding a replacement. Thanks.
  3. Anytime! I'm happy to help.
  4. Awesome! Love the dirty look.....but then again you already knew that. Lol Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  5. I got my paws on one of those last DSP long guns. It is everything I wanted it to be. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  6. I think I quote him every other day. "Have that removed." Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  7. That looks like a close-up of an action figure. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  8. Every time I read that word the way you have it spelled, all I hear in my head is Arnold. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  9. On my first handler job, I squired for a coupla guys and helped them gear up, making sure their costumes were strapped up comfortably, evened out, and generally neat in appearance. Throughout the day, I would help them readjust straps, guide them around obstacles, and place their blasters in their hands every time they needed to pick them up for pictures. Lol they also needed to be made aware when civilians try to get their attention from behind. Being blind and agile as a bank vault is not an exaggeration. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  10. Good feedback, thanks. I'm actually thinking about getting the legs of the suit tailored to present a more form-fitting look. Those Red Kap suits have straight stovepipe legs. I actually have the pant legs tucked all the way down into boot as far as they will go, wrapped and secured around my ankles, and they still pour out of the tops of the boots. My mountain troll body fits well in the size 46-Long suit, but the only downside is the excess material in the legs. I'm gonna hafta trim some of it down and add stirrups possibly. In the interim, I could fold or roll up the hems at the bottom and try to spoof out some of the excess, but my seamstress hasnt seen me in a while, so I'll swing by her shop. Lol Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  11. So while I wait for armor from Deutschland, let's play with what I do have. Here's some pre-pre-pre-early looks. Here's what I see right off the bat with my inexperienced eye... Improves: clips still on gloves, pant legs too baggy, right boot crushing my bad foot (long story), and I have no idea how high to ride the bund yet, which means I have to adjust the cod Sustains: the vest is very comfortable, the 46-Long Red Kap suit is very comfortable above the legs (happy I got the size right), gloves fit great (if a little warm) Lay it on me, experts. What's first? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  12. Oh, I am going to shape the world into what I want it to be. Lolol In all seriousness, I hope I can bring a critical eye and a devotion to high standards to the Carolina Garrison once I get Lancer-approved. Once I've got that feather in my cap, I'll focus on getting an ART up and running down here. After all, isn't the Carolinas the birthplace of the 501st? What better place to be the tip of the lance? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  13. See, I had no idea random joes could just bypass the Det from the very beginning. I thought everyone's first step was at the Det to make their first costume. When I first went to the Legion page to research joining, the information led me to believe that I had to build a costume using Det resources before I could ever get close to membership approval in the Legion. So I signed up for a Det forum membership and got to work. I had no idea you could just grope your way through the CRL on your own and get approved at the Garrison level. And it's apparant that some members did indeed grope their way blindly through the CRL. After being exposed to the high standards of the Detachment, I don't see how troopers could be satisfied to look like Star Wars rodeo clowns. The dubious relationship between Det and Garrison makes more sense now. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  14. Oh. I guess I misunderstood #9 of the ART Guidelines. So once a Pathfinder has completed their initial costume and been approved, they are handed over to the Garrison, correct? Other than that trooper directing a question directly to the Det or being referred back to the Det by the trooper's Garrison, the Det doesnt have any more dealings with the trooper? If the Garrison has no ART, do the Pathfinders just kind of fall off the Det's radar? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  15. Been at a standstill for several weeks waiting on armor. Looks like it'll be quite some time before the gears grind in my favor, so I'm just playing around with everything else in the meantime. At 762s request, I'm going to dress out tonight in everything I have so far, which should be most of the components except armor and helmet. We'll see how jacked up I am. Lol Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  16. I have a question: Why does the ART fall under Garrison control, when it is meant to be a Detachment resource for Pathfinders? It is rare when Garrison leadership knows the ins-and-outs of our costume requirements, so it seems like having ARTs answer to their home Garrison chain of command defeats the very purpose of having an ART. If the ARTs are formed not only to further the interests of the Detachment, but to assist new Pathfinders and uphold Detachment standards, then what does the Garrison have to do with any of that? Garrisons should be focusing on interaction with the public, coordnating events and fundraisers, etc. Not costuming. That's why Detachments exist in the first place. If Pathfinders begin to notice standards slipping among costumes of their Detachment, and escalate these issues to the Garrison chain of command, more than likely the Garrison is just going to get cross-eyed and refer them bqck to the CRL, which is enforced by the Detachment, right? So what's the point of having the ARTs, who are *supposed* to be the embodiment of the "tip of the lance", answer to the Garrison? The ART should be *heavily* monitored and moderated by the Det. After all, it's the values and standards of the Det that the ART is supposed to be bringing credit to. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  17. I would like to acknowledge the helpfulness and friendliness of a Pathfinder. Even though we are complete strangers, Aliaz helped me out with this request and was generally all-around cool. He ordered these discontinued lenses from Germany, had them sent to Sweden, then mailed them to me here in the States, spending his own money until the job was done and I could reimburse him the grand total. Finding people who act this neighborly is rare in today's day and age. I can't thank him enough and just wanted to publically declare his awesomeness. I hope I get to meet him some day. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  18. Hahah, nice. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  19. So, after much trial and tribulation, I realized I was danger close to trimming off too much plastic and yet I still could not mentalize how the visor and faceplate were supposed to line up. The helmet itself was looking okay, but I was getting extremely frustrated with the visor. Then lo, did I cry out upon the winds, and clothed myself in sackcloth, and anointed mine head with ashes in my torment. After I had done so, a ray of light did shineth down from the East, and the TB Messiah smiled upon me, even in my time of wrath. I prostrated myself before him and he bade me rise, saying "Send me thine bucket, my child, and I shall have mercy upon thee." And verily, I did send my helmet to 762s in the East, for he bade me to do so, and had mercy upon me, and I will therefore be able to wear a most beautiful and divine helmet. Then there was much rejoicing, and the people danced, and feasted upon fruit bats and breakfast cereals and sang praises to the East. Amen. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  20. Oooo...things are starting to look like a real costume now. I recieved my vest and flight suit from Chrisx909x today and I gotta say, looks real cool. I immediately tried verything on (of course) and am very pleased with fit of both. Plenty of room in the suit and vest for twisting, turning, squatting, sitting, and hugging. Lol Arms raise up comfortably, and my weirdly shaped shoulders traditionally have problems with wearing items right off the shelf. There might be just a slight bit of snugging up and loosing required in certain minor areas to look nice and sharp, but nothing serious or complicated at all. Overall, I'm quite happy. I forgot how much I hated new boots, though. Gottdang, them suckers are tight on my hoofs. Lol. Hopefully, they break in okay. I've never had dealings with this brand of boot. They better cooperate. Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  21. Then, finish them off with the sanding barrel and some filing. Touch 'em up with some plain ole sandpaper. Photo angle is hard to get right for exact comparison, but they're lookin' purty even to me. Photo makes the edges look all wavy too, but it's some weird optical illusion. Survey says....? Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  22. ...then waller it out with the carving tip... Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
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