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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by doubledx

  1. it looks really good the 3D model, only the selector switch is missing. a friend build a DLT20a on a real replica, so we look every picture I can find. your looks really very good. I like your painting and weathering.
  2. allright, new picture coming soon. wohoo thank youuuu
  3. Armor: Strider Helmet: LoneWolf with Modifications Flight suit: modified Dickies Boots: selfmade Cummerbund/Cod: from Katrin Conner Flack vest: from Michaela Wahl Pouches: from Michaela Wahl Gloves: Wampa Wear Blaster: bought from Strider Vest length: detail Overall: Codpiece, Vest, Pouches . . . . Boots: Armor Parts/ Strapping Belt / TD / Armor strapping Blaster Helmet Action: Thank you for your consideration
  4. I got my strider on February, trimmed the armor and found some problems, the top of the tank was to thin (I glued some ABS under it to make it stabler) the same problem on the bicep Armor, after I cut in for the elastic the ABS is too thin. now I have a gap i wil fix this with some ABS. for a few week ago, I starter so build the belt and the ABS was broken at the end (rivet area). I send Mark a message and he send me a new one, the new belt is much better as the first from February Constantin and Mark did a great job. Thank you for the help with the Armor !!!!
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