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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by doubledx

  1. little bit more the forearms now painted in Sahara Beige and a brown box from Paul arrived yesterday and i glued the little belt to the detonator
  2. Forearms was a bit tricky but I won the match. closing the seams and sanding , add primer to the arms and painted it dark brown, hope I can paint it today in Sahara Beige
  3. not all belt boxes done but only 2 needs a bit of working and I closed the seam on the neck, and printed 2 new slots for the belt because I lost one greeetings from Germany
  4. hello, I'm back and keep working on the shoretrooper little updates shoulders painted so you can see, I changes to the Specialist more pics later this day
  5. good morning from Germany, yesterday I pick up my trousers from my seamstress. more in the next days. have all a nice sunday
  6. I'm done with the rear cartridges and I'm very happy with the result and the back boxes are painted have a nice day
  7. hi, after a few days with Covid-19, I feel much better and work goes on. the Pringles can is painted (with a bit chipping) I added to the greeblies real screws, but I painted the screws with the same silver, so there is no different between the greebie and screws. and thermal detonator and my new holder is panted (with chipping) Upper armor: (still need to sand the return edges and glue the collar in place) greetings
  8. hi, not a big update today I builded the detonator together an painted the main body dark brown an the caps white the same after printing a new main body (the parts from Imperial Surplus are to big, there is no little gap between caps and main body) the greebie is painted silver and I add real screws to it so It can be screwed into the cap orignal: and I printed new belt boxes (big thank you to @ScaryGuy), they are 50% lighter than the resin ones from Imperial Surplus. greetings
  9. hi, i have 2 question. i will go for lvl2 and what is about the lense ??? the little brow on the lens is going all the way and you can see it over the nose. and the other question is the lower edge on the back, it is very soft. need it be sharper ? (i will post a other pic with a better view) greetings
  10. after I check all parts, I'm not very happy with the heatsink greeblie I build a new greeblie in Fusion360 and printed on my resin printer same with the rear cartridges, after I check alot of pictures, I think they are to big and I was right thank you to @ScaryGuy who helping me a bit with the mesurments. then I created new greeblies in Fusion360 printed in resin and here are the results (the body is printed in white PETG) i was very happy with the result and add a bit of 2K putty in the middle to emulate a resin cast, on the last picture, you see the difference. painting the backbox greeblies in Montana shock dark brown working on the back: I cuted all out and add the greeblies, the 4 small rectangle raised greeblies are printed in resin because I can't find them in the zipper bag greetings, work goes on ......
  11. here the final pics from the E-22 Case: right scope and counter left side top and end greetings
  12. E-22 rifle this was the very first piece, I printed it in PETG and resin counter a lot of testing the grip (printed in resin) raw assembling color test the final pictures come later today......
  13. Softparts: the gloves arrived from Endor Finders (size L, after measurement ) but I'm not happy, I think I will change to size M (new order) Pouches: added some foam to the slots to make it stable but I think they need to be cleaning Imperial Boots shirt and neckseal: the shirt fit good but the neck seal is too big, I cut out 2-3cm in the back and now it fits great. Armor: last week was BBB-day greetings
  14. The start was funny, a friend ask me where he can buy a Shoretrooper helmet. some hours later, we are sure, we must build the Shoretrooper complete. Helmet: Sidejoes Replicas V2 Boots: Orca Bay's (Sand) Shirt: Imperial Boots Gloves: Endor Finders E-22: 3D Printed Kuroi Sabato Pants: still in progress Armor: Imperial Surplus V2 Brown belt: need Hip armor: beed Pouches: Yugo M65 including oiler pouch The Helmet: starting with bondo then primer and the base coat (Montana Gold Shock Dark Brown S8020) i don't show every little step, here I cut out the front vents and adding the Montana Gold Sahara Beige G8020 finally complete (for weathering I used: black and brown acrylics and dirty down dark brown), the emblem color is Montana Gold Red Orange G2090 fitting the lense more coming soon..... greetings
  15. congrats Mickey and thank you for doing it again
  16. Hey , fantastic Work on you first Scout bucket. i think you did a really good job with the weathering so brother, when we met us the next time, we will play together in the sand.
  17. a little bit longer but now the bucket is done.
  18. Congrats and welcome Lancer !
  19. Hi, overall it looks good for me for basic. Just the elastic on the codpiece, little bit too strong and the Pouches looks a little bit to big.
  20. congrats mate
  21. Hi, I would like to show you my newest Strider V5 bucket that's the Kit and here a couple of pics . . . . . First the Facemask I don't have much pictures from the built of the Dome, but here is the first test fitting. . .. . after that, I just sanded the edges and cut here and there a few mm off etc., and here is the bucket, just a bit of sanding and then closing the gaps greetings from Germany
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