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501st Pathfinder
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35 Excellent

About ScottF

  • Birthday 07/10/1971

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  • Location
    Troy, Michigan

501st Information

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  • 501st Designation
  • 501st Garrison
    Great Lakes
  • 501st Profile Page
  • Approved Pathfinder Kits
    Scout Trooper: ROTJ

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  1. Oh, no. I just broke my foot! I won't be mobile by then.
  2. KriptonTop on Etsy sells all soft parts. I got my flak vest from there. Shipping was expensive but it looks great.
  3. I’ve used rubbing alcohol diluted with water
  4. Approved today! Thanks for all the help here! I am not sure when/if I will apply for lancer at this point. TB-71019
  5. Good ideas, thank you!
  6. What is a good way to connect the chest/back pieces? I've tried a few different straps, but i can't get my hands in there to tighten things up. My arms just don't bend that way.
  7. Nice! I am very close to submitting for approval. I have an X-wing pilot suit, this will be my first for 501st.
  8. How far are you from completing yours?
  9. its on this page:
  10. I put mine in hot water and it bent great. just be careful not to leave it in there for more than a second or two at at time.
  11. Thanks! I didn't have them attached to the cummerbund well when I had that on today. It was a bit of a rushed dress while I had help here. This is a lot more to wiggle into place than my x-wing costume!
  12. Imgur worked. Thank you!
  13. I know that there is an issue with the camel toe. i can shift it up higher.
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