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501st Pathfinder
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Everything posted by Poopsnakes2

  1. Side Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  2. Thank you! Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  3. Hey all i recently finished my sc helmet build and wanted opinions. I will get more pics from different angles tonight. All feed back is greatly appreciated! Sent from my LGL62VL using Tapatalk
  4. Hahaha awesome! I am definitely do it but probably next paycheck
  5. Haha yeah i have contacted them and i am currently building my kit. I just read through the crl's over the helmet for the space between the dome and the back and found i only have to bondo it for lancer status. (I want to go for it but not as of now)
  6. Can you submit for basic approval, and then come back for lancer status, or is it just a one and done?
  7. Hmmm alright i just wasn't sure if we had to have a certain visibillity standard. Thank you guys!
  8. I just recieved my armor and helmet kit from studio creations, and i was wondering if the lens that came with the kit is really what is used? It is a very dark green lens with little opacity. Thanks for any answers that can be provided!
  9. That is what i saw at the home depot i thought it was odd as in stuck out too far. Thank you though!
  10. I was wondering what type of rivets we use for the holster application and also what type of rivet gun (or pliers) i should be looking for.
  11. Awesome then i should have it within the month!
  12. Cool! Just trying to safe gaurd my wallet
  13. I have enough money and have been speaking with the studio creations gentleman, but i wanted to make sure he was a reliable dealer. Please comment for yay or nay. Thank you!
  14. Great i will for sure that was probably what i was gonna get first
  15. Awesome come pay day i will be ordering some gear
  16. I was just hoping for a biker scout armor set. Right now im trying to join the 501st. I am 21 years old i love star wars and just about any other scifi thing i can get my hands on. Anything specific you'd lije to know?
  17. Oh awesome! Thank you all, however my final question is is this a reputable dealer?
  18. http://www.studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html from what i have heard this is a good price but is it 501st ready?
  19. Hello all! I have never done this kind of thing before, i am looking for a set of armor. Is there a good place to start?
  20. Howdy! Im new as well trying for just a regular scout though.
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