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About jochensen

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    German Garrison
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  1. And I‘m ready for duty! I got my approval today [emoji3060] Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  2. Okay, I think I‘m finally there with my build and decided to take approval pictures today that I wanted to share here as well! Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  3. I finally got to wear the armor for the first time today... and found a couple of things that I need to address but I‘m pretty happy with the progress so far. The belt pouches are hard to see on this image so I‘ll send another pic for that once I fixed the baton holster that I accidentally ripped off while trying to squeeze into the semi closed ab section with the belt attached ... Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk
  4. Thanks everyone for your feedback! I'll continue with the belt and cod piece then. I'll send pictures soon!
  5. Exactly, I have the same kit as you and as such I'd be happy if it still was approvable now that the CRL is in place. I believe yours was approved before, right? The problem is that I can't really chance anything on the cod piece - Denis' kit seems to be the only available kit and I guess it is what it is with regards to the mismatch, so if it's not approvable then I'm kind of stuck... The ab section should be worm with the flat front section centered, I think, and the cod piece needs to be centered below, right? So they simply cannot match unless I turn the ab section slightly sideways...
  6. Sorry, overlapping messages 🙂
  7. Lacking pictures with the belt attached myself still, please check out Ruthar's build thread and approval pictures here: Looks like the Hot Toys figure seemed to inform most revisions to the CRL text but the according images don't reflect that yet (neither the belt pouches nor the matching indents on the ab section and cod piece). Ruthar also contributed to the CRL thread about the belt pouch size definitions and it looks like the comment was well received but hasn't made it into the CRL. I am not sure if production photos exist that show the full belt array. This spread from the Solo Visual dictionary seems to imply that - as he says - there are two big boxes and a smaller one as per the Hot Toys figure.
  8. Hi everyone - It's so great to see your progress on your builds on this forum. It's been of great help to my build so far! I've started working on my own build a couple of weeks back - with the Armory Shop kit as well - and I'm getting along well, I think but I do have questions with regards to the CRL: 1) Belt The CRL image of the belt has two small black leather pouches and a bigger one but on recent images I've seen from your builds (prior to the CRL release, I think, though) and also on the Hot Toys figure, there seem to be two big leather pouches and one smaller pouch. Is the latter the way to go? I want to make sure my belt will be approvable befor I start with attaching any elements. I've attached an image of my belt attachments loosely laid out. 2) Cod Piece As per the CRL, the indent on the cod piece is supposed to mirror the one on the ab section. That's not exactly the case with this kit. Will it still be approvable? Many thanks in advance!
  9. I ended up ordering Endorfinders and IB as I wanted two pairs and the Endorfinders are just as fine as the IB gloves imo.
  10. I just finished my ST build with Jimmi's kit and must say I'm really happy with the kit and the material, especially as I didn't have do do any trimming or majpr adjustments. The only thing I found was that there is a risk of cracks if there is sort of permanent tension on a part. In terms of kit sze, I'm being told that Jimmi's kit is for larger people and it fit me without any extension.
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